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How do you best keep a work-life balance?

I definitely sacrifice relationships for my career, but I still feel like I have a good balance because I spend my free time on traveling and personal enrichment.

Enomis 5 Mar 20

Enjoy being online again!

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Lots of good advice here! First, I did pick a job I enjoy (professor). It's also a job with a better work/life balance than most. It doesn't pay great, but it's not bad, either. In fact, if you think of it as per-hour work, I find I make the same salary (or better) than many of my high-salary friends; many of them work 60+ hour weeks; it's true they make 6 figures, but I'd rather make 5 figures and have much more vacation time and weekends off. They do have more luxurious houses, cars, and (when they vacation, which is rare, at most 1 wk/yr) vacations. Really, only 1 of my "rich" friends seems happy, and that's because he has recently (in his 50s) become rich enough to cut back on his hours. The rest of his life thus far had been pretty stressful. The rest of them seem that they'll follow this tired/stressful treadmill until they're 65. It's a free country, so to each his own, but that doesn't make sense to me!


What worked best for me was to keep work at work and home at home. Then i retired, so i don't know if that was right. But its really cool to be old and say shit and people are like...."oh hes an old fart, he must know something" and really nobody listens, and thats best because what the hell do i know. LoL


Found a boss who's been through similar shit.
Got a stronger union.
Voted in a less conservative government.


I work 6 days a week to survive and spend the little remaining time trying to not die. :/

There is no balance. There is only "struggle to earn enough money to meet your needs, fail, work even more."

Sadly that is how the economy is now in many parts of the world. It was my life for several decades. I've managed to get into a position now where I have a decent ratio of free time, but it keeps getting harder for each generation, esp in the US. I hope things change, but (sadly) don't see any indication it will soon.


drink beer then you can't work !


I reduced my cost of living as far as I could, though still working on it, the idea is to work as little as possible, and to live life as much as possible.


I just took on a new role at work so not sure yet... LOL I hardly have energy to knit 😟 Things will slow down in time. Sleeping a lot on the weekends is helping 😛


Retiring from work is the best way to handle it.


I'm fortunate to have around 6 months of low-to-no work periods each year, so I tend to have life then, and work the other 6 months!

@Enomis it certainly is 🙂


As a professional musician I avoid what most people call work with a vengeance. That is what l call balance.


I'm disabled so my art is as and when I can do it like many things but I don't go out much on my own.


Work a lot.


I like what I do.


I gave up the work habit altogether. Feel much better now! 🙂

skado Level 9 Mar 20, 2018

I retired! LOL

you're retarded , oh sorry to hear that

You got me there, partner.

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