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Translation:. Atheists won't be quiet and are now challenging us. We don't like to be challenged. They shouldn't be allowed to express their views.


Has anyone else ever noticed that whatever Trump, Fox News, and others of that ilk accuse others of is what they themselves do?

Especially with Trump, listen to what he says/accuses others of; it's a very good indication of what he thinks and does.

marga Level 7 Mar 20, 2018

I always wonder3ed if it was just me noticing that.

@kauva That's why it worries me when he says things like we ought to try having a president for life, like China; or why have nuclear weapons if we can't use them; or the fake news, etc.

Every time he opens his mouth to accuse someone else, I take it as a subconscious admission on his part of doing/being that very thing he's accusing the other person of.

And I won't even get started on the many accusations of "crookedness", lying, partisanship, etc., that he levels on a daily basis. 😟

And Fox, of course, is what I would consider a state-run medium, just like in dictatorships.


Projection at its finest.


I haven't finished reading it yet, but it didn't take long to veer straight into the trees...
"The truth is, the atheist position is incapable of supporting any coherent system of morality other than ruthless social Darwinism. That’s why it has caused more deaths, murders and bloodshed than any other belief system in the history of the world."

How many falsehoods can fit into a single paragraph? Ruthless Darwinism doesn't work for any social philosophy. The closest humans have attempted it appears to be America's version of Capitalism, and I note that Fox is enamored with that. All non religious social codes (that I have encountered) are explicitly nothing like that.

As for "deaths, murders and bloodshed"... uh... the Crusades? The Spanish Inquisition? Islamic Jihads? I mean, even the Romans were theists before they took to Christianity, and they conquered a huge portion of the western world.

Talk about projecting. An unintelligent person approaches anything with preconceived ideas and they end up finding what they tried to see.

miffy Level 5 Mar 20, 2018

I read the rest, and while they attempt to refute what I just said, they really didn't do so effectively.


While they may have a beef with the few among us who are loudmouthed in your face, they have their own bullies. The author fails to point this out. He/she also fails to point out how they wish to legislate for the rest of us laws based on THEIR beliefs which the rest of must abide by if passed. A religious leader lying in state in the capital rotunda? While I personally don't care, (many of us don't) the guy is dead and dead is dead I can see where others would. There is that whole separation of church and state thing) After all, would they also put an Athiest leader there to lie in state if one of our heros passes? Atheist do recognize the contributions of the Religious to humanity and the sciences. We are not oblivious but how many of the religious realize much of the technology they rely on in the modern information age was created by Atheists? Everything from the computer, to the internet and social platforms such as FaceBook just to name a few off the top of my head. The author also does not realize that for every loud mouth we have out there they have ten or more, think Westboro Church and the way they would show up at funerals to protest when the deceased died in war protecting their rights to free speach. You just don't see atheists doing something like that though I can bet they were among those protecting families from the Westboro Church contingent. Also notice the author was using derogatory name calling, not a very mature way to write an article but then, thats just my opinion. What the Author seems to fail to understand is he/she may be dealing with atheists on a daily basis and not even know it. He/she may even like or admire the person because in all likelyhood, that person, like a great many of us are not in your face look at me Im an Atheist in mixed company. We live our lives quietly and few if any of our neighbors have any idea whatsoever that we do not share their beliefs. One more contribution by now believers is our constitution of the United States that allow the religious their freedoms to worship as they please but it also allows non believers to be non believers and it requires no religious test to hold office, this point was so important that it was put in there and yet today the religious scream bloody murder if we dare to demand laws based on secular and not religious reasons. So tell me again, just who are the real bullies here?

I remember how shocked I was when I first heard Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh


Interesting article. It’s ‘almost’ written as if the author is trying to sell something and make a profit off of religion and beliefs...hmmmm? sounds familiar ? gotta love it, Fox News and it’s audience

To it read as if they wanted to rile up everyone else to conduct a witch hunt and burn us all at the proverbial stake.

@misstuffy Yes, the author of the article is going after the people who would get just as riled up as he is and are just as ignorant and dumb enough to want to buy his book. He has to hook in his fan base the best way he can. He’s just a business man with a marketing plan at the end of the day.


But the comment thread on the article is hilarious


Cry us a river! hahahhahaha


Refuse to watch Faux News anymore. So Hitler wasn't Catholic? So now Fox is the anti-atheist channel and the Jews created Bolshyvism. Trash News. BOYCOTT FOX.

I don't know how many times I have heard how Hitler was an Atheist when clearly history says he was indeed a Catholic.


Good grief! That was a terribly blatant piece of propaganda, it's very close to the Nazi perception of Jews.


Stopped watching Fox, CNBC, MSNBC, CBS, CNN, and local news corporate propaganda mills years ago. I like TYT, Jimmy Dore, and Al Jazera on youtube. Though, Al Jazera is corporate news, at least it doesn't seem to be owned by an American corporation. TYT and Jimmy Dore are progressive and they often talk about network news stories, sometimes with surprising perspectives.

Remember Mark Twain's words, "If you do not read the news, you are uninformed. If you read the news, you are misinformed."

I'm with ya


Have a look at the following link.

exactly. your list is bigger.


This is red meat for the base, but it provides a good window into how they think.

And what they think is that simply not agreeing with their beliefs in any way that they happen to notice is "intimidating", "rude", "arrogant", and of course "ignorant" (project much?).

This really is just a hatchet job on atheists, to keep them thoroughly demonized so no one listens to them. It's hard to imagine how you'd get more stereotypes and ad hominems in a single article.


And that is because none of us watch your faux news ?


This will keep happening until there's a more or less formal policy position. For example, "Believe what you want. Just don't make us think it, don't try to get it taught in schools, don't make us pay for it. And BTW, think twice about voting for someone who supports your policies favorable to your beliefs if they've been paid to roll back environmental regulations."


Jesus Christ! Read about half the article. Plain wrong as in incorrect. The worst wrong.


One should expect nothing less from Anthony DeStefano, a successful Christian author and frequent contributor to Faux News. If someone asks me if I'm an atheist, I tell them I'm a nullifidian. Nobody seems to know what that is, so it stops them in their tracks.


LOL! There are enough strawmen in that article to take care of the whole mid-west! It would be even funnier if a lot of the FauxNews watchers didn't swallow everything without a thought. Such old, trite & discredited arguments interspersed with outright bullshit. Anything to sell a book!


Gotta love how they trot out all the old "arguments" for why they're better, and try to present them as facts.


It sounds like a pre-emptive strike to me.


A typically skewed and unreasonable Fox screed. Filled with nonsense claims. Ignore.


anytime I see "fox news" I just roll my eyes... bullshit bullshit and more bullshit 😛


Wow -- sounds like the author wants to start rounding up atheists and send them to concentration camps. Next: The Final Solution


Now I have reason to hate Fox News even more. I already walk out of any store that has a TV tuned into it. This borders on being hate speech and its intantion is to incite the dumbasses.


The least oppressed religion screams oppression when privilege is removed. Shocker.

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