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QUESTION Atheist experience in Africa — Opinion — The Guardian Nigeria Newspaper – Nigeria and World News

Atheists were of the notion that religious believers often invaded their space and prayed for them, god talking and pressuring them to reconnect with God. One atheist from Zambia shared his experiences: Just when I am about getting comfortable with my atheism, I am surrounded by babbling religious folk. The father of this atheist in question was sick and had an amputation. Religious believers came to pray for the father while he was on his sick. Another atheist whose daughter had a medical condition noted: I get a lot of these we thank God, by God’s grace, put it in God’s hands talks for my medically fragile daughter. Atheists observed that religious people targeted them when they were very vulnerable, when they were in urgent need of assistance-money, job or cure. Theists used such opportunities to force God and religious devotion down their throat. They try to coerce them to start believing again. Religious believers made atheists in such situations to feel guilty or regretful of their atheism.

zblaze 7 Mar 20

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Establish a wonderful system of loyal guilt and the masses will follow. The need others along with them, to join their people, because they know deep down our beliefs hold value. At least I hold to think like this. When they need god, it is god who does the successful work, When it fails it was not god or them, it was the devil, So no matter how you shake it they are a vegetable waiting for artificial sun shine

EMC2 Level 8 Mar 22, 2018

One of the worst is their lording over abortion. If a woman is in dire health and cannot carry a child, never mind! The baby is paramount--until it's born. Then, screw it. Help it then? Or a child is raped. Abort? No, God loves that baby more than the poor baby that was raped. Cults own women's bodies and lives--and their children, until they don't.

Well said and thanks Golden.


I've never met an African atheist in my life.

There are a few. They try to teach logic in certain schools in Nigeria and Zambia. I have seen posting in Atheist Nexus about them and one reports to us yearly there.

I dated one.

They usually keep it on the down low lest they meet a tragic end. Such as albinos.

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