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LINK The awkward questions about slavery from tourists in US South - BBC News

"Have they ever stopped profiting off of the history of enslavement, I guess that's the better question," Martin says. "It went from agriculture to a tourist industry."

Worth a read.

1of5 8 Oct 3

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I once subbed at a school for the blind. In one of the high school classes I was in one student of African American descent made a true statement about slavery. A white young man told her to stop talking about slavery. I told him she was accurately giving information. He was clearly upset. I had asked him if he was alright. He then told me that he feels bad and uncomfortable with what she was saying because he was white. The young man, naturally, couldn't see my race. I told him I was white as well and I too feel horrible that our country has this period in our history but we cannot ignore it.

Us white people suck. So does everyone else, though, given the chance.


Interesting article, scary actually, how ignorant people are.

Happily ignorant, imo.

@1of5 yes they seem happy in their idiocy.


The better one is how the Jim crow laws persisted into the 60's and 70s long after emancipation. And the laws preventing marriage between races


Very uncomfortable truth for many I’m sure. Incredible that so many white Americans have been wilfully ignorant of the slave trade and would even now argue about how it was necessary for the plantation owners to keep slaves. Well, of course they could have run their tobacco and cotton plantations using freemen and women, by paying them instead of buying them from the slave market, but they wouldn’t have made so much money or been able to build such magnificent was greed and lack of humanity which drove them to keep and mistreat slaves.


it would only take 2 paragraphs to get the message across. Did they need to give so many examples? I mean, thats all old news, right? right? Besides, we rent people by the hour now, not own them, why dwell on our economic failures?

Like my old supervisor once said: "If it floats, flies, or fucks you're always better off renting."

We could do WWII in 2 paragraphs too, if we like.

@1of5 world war 2 was so much more complicated than slavery. slavery was simply an economic issue. duh

@MarkiusMahamius everything's an economic issue, really, and slavery wasn't an economic failure. Well, till the cannons started going off. That turned out to be pretty expensive and unsustainable.

Right wing economic policies, now there's an economic failure.

@1of5 by right-wing, you mean everyone?

@MarkiusMahamius i mean everyone to the right of me. You new here?

@1of5 yeah, i was once given the advice to read other peoples comments in my best snarky self absorbed voice, and then they would make more sense. i should remember that

@MarkiusMahamius you can try reading with your mouth closed when you're ready.

@CallMeDave I'm not your girlfriend

@MarkiusMahamius I never should have told you that

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