Getting married.
And that's the last fun you'll have!
So I hear.
In my book, if it’s over and you’re both still living... then it wasn’t marriage. Otherwise that legal entanglement was the only difference between marriage and cohabitation, and it doesn’t make sense to me that marriage is nothing more than a legal contract. To me, being forever is what makes it marriage, regardless of what we call it for pragmatic purposes. Now you see why I haven’t done it!
I would love to try sky diving. But, given I would have to be rendered unconscious either through drugs or a bonk on the head in order to go through with it, it would be a waste of my time and money to go for it.
doing a tandem jump is nothing. you'll just be a passenger.
for the ultimate, do a solo jump. i did one at 72 after a 4 hr course.
you'll never feel more alive when you think there's a possibility that you may die.
@callmedubious : Yes, but I still think I would have to be strapped to that person while unconscious.
Buy 3 live pigs and paint the individual numbers, 1, 2 and 4 on them. Then let them loose in a Walmart and sit back to watch store personal look for a pig with the number 3 painted on it. I'm serious.
@NoPlanetB PickledRick, hee-hee
Travelling to Europe to visit my family's places of origin.
Hopefully it is not UK, really gone down hill!
@Francool Manchester England, and The Netherlands.
Monkey subjugation. For my monkey army. Of the night.
I think I've done it all...
Maybe, but I'm also 67 years old, so have had plenty of time to travel and get into "adventures." I call them that, at least.