I'm less than 250 pts from attaining Level 8. And it's been driving me mad!!
When I first got here, I didn't pay much attention to the levels. The first few were easy to attain, it seemed without even trying. Between levels 5 and 6, I was beginning to feel more competitive. Then I hit 7 and wow, I had become driven, obsessed with reaching 8. I've been on level 7 since the first of the year and by this time tomorrow or sooner, I will be level 8. I'm exhausted.
I've tried not to think about the levels but to no avail. So what do you think it is that drives some of us? Competitiveness, ego, achievement? Have you experienced any of these things? And....
I'm going to be a raving maniac going for level 9. LOL I need help!! What do you suggest I do??
BTW, folks, Level 8 gets you a free t-shirt! Seriously! I was pleasantly surprised! I don't post or comment for the points, & in some "categories" you hit the max fairly quickly, but it is a sorta fun side thing, it's harmless & there are some real reasons for it, so what the hey!
I can understand the use of levels from the administration’s perspective. It triggers our natural competitive nature and desire for status in the community, so we contribute content to the site... for free. This helps build the site and keep it flourishing. If the site succeeds, we continue to have this wonderful venue for exchanging ideas and making friends... for free. I think the level system also helps weed out troublemakers, who generally aren’t going to invest that much effort just for the opportunity to troll their fellow humans; there are easier marks to pursue elsewhere.
That said, it can have a downside. After the first 5 or 6 levels, the troll filter effect has probably done its job. The individual has established herself as a reliable member of the community, and the actual benefits to the members start to approach a point of diminishing returns. Meanwhile, the Pavlovian pursuit of more, more, more points has the effect of flooding the feed with fluff and repetition. So maybe it’s a question of balance between a robust site and site of substance; quantity vs quality.
When I hit level seven I lost interest in repeatedly hitting that button for a jolt of ego stimulation. I couldn’t find any other reason I should be doing it. What other reason is there? I hope this doesn’t make me a slacker in regard to supporting the community, but at this point I’d rather contribute to an atmosphere of thoughtful discussion than to become a Pied Piper leading a horde of button-tapping rats to their demise in the Fluff River.
(No offense intended to our lovely and talented pipers, or to my fellow swim-rats. A healthy mix is good. I’m just blathering about balance and mindfulness) Have a nice day, and congrats on your 8!
Thanks! And as always, appreciate your perspective.
I just joined today and as an introvert and observer, I'm fairly confident I'll die before reaching any respectable level
But you are already at 3. Patience grasshopper.
I plan to hit, run, get bored and likely bail fairly soon, but I somehow made L4 in just a few hours.
Which means +3d6, I think.
For me I realized the point system on day one. It's an achievement thing for me. I just hit 7 and 8 seems forever away but as much as I've been pulled into this site I know it'll come and I still check points multiple times per day.Lol As for what to do...keep playing. Hell it's fun
I'm glad to know I'm not alone. Especially checking the points, lol.
No, I don't care. I think they should get rid of the levels. Levels are for games.
I haven't really registered what the point of the levels is, yet. I agree, though. For people who are naturally competitive, it makes you want to get more and more points, even though there may be no benefit. Maybe we are like lab-rats, pressing the button even when there is no reward!
I think our sun will go red-giant before I hit Level 9, & we will reach the heat-death of the Universe before I see Level 10!
It is mildly gratifying to see my points increase and my levels rise, but I really don't care about it very much. I just want to know why I still haven't received cake.
Good question George! If it's any consolation, you do get a t-shirt at 8.
@NFAguy53 Here is text I copied from the 'About' page.
Agnostic.com is a non-profit organization that doesn’t charge anything for the use of the site nor do we take donations. Our funding comes from private individuals who want to promote a positive image of atheists, agnostics, humanists and other secular views. Read more on our FAQ page.
I think the level-up system is genius. It works. We're "rewarded" for participation with points which increase our levels, which are visible to everyone. So we all wear our level as a badge of experience. This all encourages participation. It's kind of fun too.
I just made 8! Doing the winner arm pump! ?
@BeeHappy YAY! Good for you!
@Buddha @phxbillcee @El-loco.
Thanks, guys!
Ha !
You have been a trooper here, and I think I always appreciate you. Lol.
I also joined for the conversation first and matching second. When I discovered points I thought it would be nice but it wasn't a priority. I felt quality was more important than quantity but then, all of a sudden I hit 7! However, the weather is changing and, where I live, there are other, more physical, things that are calling. Also, with the growing membership more and more questions are being re-asked and I find myself repeating my comments. I had hoped to offer some memberships to FFRF but obstacles came along. The site has helped my mental state a lot but I am slowing down. Too many distractions. I will try and stay active albeit at a slower pace. I am starting to see it takes too much butt work to get to 8 or 9 and I need less of that and more leg and arm work.
They need to set up an easier way to search past posts so repetition will slack off.
I wanted to go up a few levels for the sake of being able to join a few groups with level requirements, but it doesn't incite anything else in me as it would have when I was younger. These days I'm too sleep deprived to care about much beyond my survival and the well-being of my family.