Is the alt-right and religion usurping more
power from institutions that society turn to
for individual rights.Have they secummed to
craving power over their traditional "Spiritual"
role. I always felt they were haughty and
arrogant-mainly because what they propose
is far removed from thier skillset.
The most fundamentalistic groups in all religions are true believers who want to impose their beliefs on others, and actively engage in comingling of religion and politics to attain power.
I follow your thoughts,on my path to understand the big
picture of human interactions.To garner info,I try to confirm
facts I find elsewhere.
When they openly call their followers their "flock", that pretty much says it all.
Tons of religious lefties as well. Which is just another reason to do away with silly traditions like the 2 party system and probably govt in general.
I agree. The two party system is not wotking. Some people cling to theyre party with a religious vigor...
Its weird to me the way so many atheists simply replace their god in the sky with their new god, govt.
Religion is an organized superstition. Weakness of the mind in order for the few to control the Masses.
I think that people have a tendency to crave power. I would speculate that it comes from our instinct for tribalism and also our tendency to form hierarchies. I also would speculate that these instincts were beneficial during our evolution as social/pack animals. Perhaps religion magnifies our natural cravings for power and tribalism with their mutually exclusive belief systems and tendency to discourage rational thinking.
I think it's the other way around, people who crave power and control tend to use religion as a means rather than religion itself being power hungry.
Religion is a tool in their hands rather than the hand itself.
They want the power they had in the dark ages when they could put people to death....Jews, non-believers, Heretics, homosexuals....
They would like to put a stake up your atheist/agnostic butt and roast you like a pig on a spit.
...yes, you are confiming my concerns-they expect civility
(and define it) all the while use underhand and dishonest
methodology to harm others. I have thick skin- yet I
see the fall out.I tend to defend the true facts and those that
promote the truth.
"Do today's religions just crave power?" NO! Religions are sets of ideas. Those ideas cannot crave anything. It is the absolutists who exclaim their righteousness who crave. That is, Only humans can have such motivations, emotions, thoughts.
Currently the worst group of believers are muslims. 500+ MILLION women are forced to cover themselves while the men wear short sleeves, shorts, and sandals. That is abuse on a massive scale. And is totaly counter to everything we hold dear.
While I certainly see where you're coming from, and agree that there are those who use religion as a path to power on purpose, I believe it's far more subconscious for most. For example, a Christian might seek a position in government because they want to influence policies in a direction they believe is morally correct because of their belief system (which is no different than an Athiest doing the same thing, but based on their own personal moral compass). Now it might appear as though the Christian is actively seeking power, but in their mind it is a righteous crusade guided by god to enforce his moral code which by the way, if I'm not mistaken, is not something christ preached. In this persons mind they're not wanting power but to be a force for good. So we know that people always seek importance, often in the form of power, but I do not believe it is always a conscious thought, but rather nested in a hierarchy of other reasons.
So in a way I would say that it's all about having power, but not just for the purpose of having power.
Does that make sense? I'd love thoughts on this, as it's always something I've believed and if I'm wrong then I'd like to know!