Or their feelings have been hurt so deep, there is no going back which again would relate to both mind and heart.
What other reasons would make people change. I put this post here in the relationships catagory because we could go on forever on this topic. People change for a number of reasons.. let's here some.
It could also be occluded carotid arteries! I have known 2 people this happened to, after corrective surgery they reverted to their old selves ALWAYS rule out the physical before assuming the psychological!
Also.......have they changed to Everyone, or just you?
I feel like that is a religious slogan. I change my mind when I have evidence that shows me I'm wrong. I change my mind when someone can show me how my logic is in error (most common reason for me to change my mind.) And finally, I change my mind when I ask myself why do I believe this is true? If the reasons are valid, I'll stick with it if the reasons are not I'll go from "I know" to "I don't know."
Mushrooms is a popular one
Ive been reading about them, and actually they have found them to have a positive effect for some medical conditions.
still haven't, but it looks so ineresting...
Have you ?
I know that I've changed my mind about things, but I'm not sure if I'd go as far as saying that it was the opening of my mind. I believe I have a pretty open mind. Maybe I'm not really changing my mind per se, perhaps I am receiving more intel on a situation and adjusting my understanding of it.