I ask because a couple who live in my building are rabid racists and told me so.But then they heard me tell aJehovahs Witness no thanks I am an Atheist they said "hey so are we".How do the two go together..Atheism and racism?
Why would being an atheist keep a racist from being a racist? There's atheist rightwingers, leftwingers, libertarians, and I've no doubt there's atheist nazis, skinheads and everything in between. Atheism doesn't keep someone from being a fool.
Many atheists and religious groups share a lot of basic ideologies. Superiority (for atheists it's because they have "reason", Christians "God" ). Fundamentalist tendencies, psychologically, we're all very similar. The difference is, racist atheists don't have a holy book to hide behind.
I can't think of a single reason why a lack of belief in any supreme deity would lead one to believe that their race is superior, or why believing that one's own race is superior would lead one to believe that their is no supreme deity. This is fairly ridiculous even with extreme leaps in logic.
There are two red buses. Are all buses red?
The trend going by this site and common sense would indicate that atheists are less racist and more left-leaning than most. Yes, we do have some republican and racist folks on here but they are small in propation to the vast majority.
Are we now required to quadruple all of our posts? (Asking for a friend.)
I think that's only on your particular floor.
On the 4th floor, all the atheists are anti racism; on the 7th floor you have atheists who claim evolution is "just a theory"; top floor... that's where all the flat earthers move because they're certain there's no danger of them tipping over.
Sorry, but that's a really stupid question. Are all atheist vegan? Because I have two friends that are vegan and atheists. Are arheists gay because..., Are atheists fat, because....Are atheists all black latinos because....I hope you get the point.
@OldMetalHead are you fat?
@OldMetalHead a kettle pot scenario, huh?
@OldMetalHead Less likely to be fat than in the top ten countries (U.S. is not even in the top ten).
@OldMetalHead My point is that obesity is not a uniquely American problem.
A couple living in your building who you say are self professed racists, and who also appear to be atheists does not prove any correlation one to the other. All it means is that these two individuals are both, it doesn’t mean that every racist is atheist or every atheist is racist, that clearly is a facile argument.