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Republicans can't defend Trump anymore. They can only attack the process.

With the investigation going badly for Trump, House Republicans attack the investigators.



LiterateHiker 9 Oct 24

Enjoy being online again!

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At this point every one who supports the orange turd is complicit in his crimes. Let that sink in.


only in America


The Republican party is corrupt and feckless,and should simply fade away 😠


Impeachment is a political process.

1865: President was impeached and almost removed (1 vote shy) for wanting to change members of his cabinet. 100% political charge.

1974: President was investigated for doing the same dastardly deeds the other party was doing but did not get caught at. Trying to hide it rather than pointing out that it was just politics as usual got him in trouble. Resigned rather than take a chance.

1999: President was investigated for being a philander. Choosing between angering his wife or lying under oath he took the cowardly choice of lying and got caught. Political impeachment, no one's business where he buries his willy. Not enough of the opposition party in the Senate to remove him.

2016-2019 (and beyond). An opposition funded spy report turns up nothing. Facebook channels the election to trump. Everyone is pissed but want the prez removed. Phone call pissed off opposition who control the house looking into graft/corruption into the opposition's front runner. NOW it is impeachable. There will not be 2/3 in the Senate no matter how stupid the prez is.

Even if the prez, pulls a gun and shoots the front runner I doubt politics would change. Jackson shot someone for telling the truth. Burr shot someone because they didn't get along. Nothing came of these. Nothing came from the last impeachments, nothing will come of this one.

It is all politics.


They've been defending the indefensible for awhile now. Expect them to become even more absurd - it's all they got.

1of5 Level 8 Oct 24, 2019

An accurate statement.


Not shit, traitors

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 24, 2019

They were fortunate not to be arrested!

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