I have tried it and it always ends badly even in a situation where you are just a friend who has their back... Even when you are the ONLY person in their lives who helps them without thought of compensation while their co-religionist friends shit all over them they still stab you in the back to kiss their asses at your expense...
If a man's religion involved cooking, cleaning, foot rubs, baking chocolate chip cookies, being my love slave and worshipping ME..
Why not?
Well yes! I would be the thing they worship the most
Do you have any room left for me on your list of worshipers? Haha! But I would really feel the spirit, if there was reciprocity in it!
Oh, I know exactly what you meant. If he believes in magical sky puppets he'd have to follow the above criteria in order for me to date him. No reciprocity... my point was, it's the only way I would tolerate that religious nonsense.
I do believe in reciprocity in a relationship, which is why I wouldn't prefer that slave scenario, and why my partner is an atheist!
No because an integral part of a relationship would be missing, open, honest communication.
No . If " they respect my beliefs " is not a problem for me . That's given or the door will open very fast and in worse case I ll lose a shoe in his ass on his way out .
The point is that I will never respect their brain . No respect for his brain = he ain't gonna see me naked . Ever .
I know my limits and my standards , no point to try them or lower them
I have. Going forward, I will not. I have no desire to censor my thoughts about religions, hypocrites, science, woo, fairy tales, that churches should be taxed, the obscenity of pastors living in absolute luxury, the idiocy of people praying for stuff and not using their brains. And, on and on. I have thoughts on stuff. I want to be free to express the thoughts. And, someday I want a partner who would not be offended or hurt by my thoughts.
Yes, but he wouldn't get rid of the other girlfriend.
Nope! Just got out of a relationship with someone very into what I call "woo" and that was enough. He has all these one on one spiritual meetings with people filling his head with non-sense rather than just sharing his problems to the people actually in his life and affected by his problems. Couldn't share anything with me, since "I wouldn't understand" and sure enough when he did share something, it was already so full of nonsense that I indeed couldn't understand. Never again will I connect with someone not based in reality. He never tried to sway me into his beliefs - but I can't respect his.
Welcome to the asylum. Enjoy your stay.
In answer to your question, NO.
Sure, they might start off saying they respect your non-belief, but that
is always a LIE.
They invariably either try to get you to get right with god, or they dump
you for refusing to get right with god.
The "success" stories are not the rule of thumb. Not by a long shot.
Religious women are bored if not abused with religious boys they fuck.....so believer females have seduced me lied to me to get me in their bed....when they decide I am not rich enough to buy them diamonds for their secret church wedding plans they reverse their lies and bribe me with heaven and threaten me with hell.....all they needed to do was say sexual satisfaction was less important than clergy loyalties
No, I’ve seen to many try and the same thing always happens. They start out OK with an atheist, then try to convince them they should “believe”, and things fall apart. I’m not going to even entertain doing that ever!
It's worse with believers....if they say one agenda does not matter so do other agendae.....you cannot trust MENTAL RESERVATIONS
...PROVISIONAL PROMISES....I don't want to smell kiss or play with believers ever again
IF they are Evangelical there will come a time that they become concerned about your imaginary soul burning forever in some imaginary place that they almost cry because you refuse to "wake up" and give your life to a dead zombie so you can live forever in the sky with an imaginary god. Yes, it is that strong within them and it can destroy that relationship quickly.
Hah! If they are evangelical, I've probably run them off after minute 12! That type doesn't stay "dating interested" for very long around me after they start proselytizing.
I’m currently on a dating site and if I see that they’re religious, especially Christian, it does put me off I’ve found.
Definitely a fair and challenging question. I'd have to say no unless there was an extremely high level of compatibility in EVERY other area that mattered, a strong mutual affection and attraction, and they were a rational and fair-minded enough person that after analyzing the situation I decided there was a high likelihood of me being able to help them see reason and have them become an agnostic and secular-humanist type.
No. The very premise of most religions is conversion, and eventually this "respect" you think you'd get would just show itself to be the hypocrisy and lies all religions thrive on.
That's true, spreading the word is a big part of Christianity, not sure about other religions. I have been told by some Christian's that they lead by example and not by proselytizing. Who knows.
@GreatNani I've always thought that at the very core of every religion is/was a greedy, money-hungry, manipulative and non-believing narcissistic sociopath(s). And since you can't be considered powerful with only a couple of "followers" then the #1 mandate is to make more! You can breed, convert others, or both.
Yeah, love that whole lead by example thing. Hate who and what we hate or we'll hate you behind your back. Unless you're like Jim Bakker, or Haggerty, then do it in secret. Or Ozteen, who just reinterprets it to serve himself...his god WANTS him to be rich!! LMAO.
@LisaFultonave for sure those who lead are about the money. They should be ashamed of putting their homes etc in public. I really have no interest in religious nuts. And they would not want to date me anyway!
@LisaFultonave prosperity gospel! Good God these people are crafty! And embarrassing!
They would have to be a very extraordinary individual for me to even consider it.
Remember Matthew MacConnaughy made love with Jody Foster in the jungles of Arricibo? She plays a great Atheist scientist and he is a popular religious "intellectual" in CONTACT....He votes against her to be in the worm hole machine because of her Atheism publically but privately he tells her the machine might kill her and the pilot xian is killed by a religious saboteur with a bomb attached to high speed moving parts....knowing this....I refuse to be seduced by the smartest most accomplished believer because most will betray Atheism when it counts
I dated someone religious. It did not go well. Lol. I have also dated people that had belief, but were not interested in church or preaching to everyone. I’m ok dating someone who has faith, as long as it’s respectful of other people. They have to give me the same amount of respect I give them. I don’t go around talking about being an atheist all the time. In fact, quite a few don’t know, those that find out are kind of shocked. As I’ve gotten older I’ve gotten less militant about it. I have a live and let live attitude. But I expect the same kind of treatment