For those who converted from religious to atheists, Are you happier now that you are a non believer?
Yes, I very much so enjoy the pursuit of knowledge. I'm a scientist and despite what religious folks may claim, you really can't have both--religion and no science do not go hand in hand.
I never understood how anyone who does not take the genesis creation story serious can still be a christian. Without genesis the whole bible has no basis whatsoever. No original sin, no reason for Jesus to sacrifice himself to himself. It is very clear that evolution discredits genesis as does other sciences. Humans being poofed into existence in their current form (from dirt and ribs of all things), the sun not being created till after plant life etc.
@josh_is_exciting No. But I'll definitely look into it.
Christianity made my depression worse when I had it. The "God will take care of me mentality" made me gain 103 pounds. About mid way through my depression I final realized I was an atheist and because of this I needed to solve my own problems. Three years later I was no longer depressed and I currently lost 91 pounds of the 103 that I had gained. It took me one year to lose about 86 pounds.
I am definitely less anxious since I gave up the guilt and the fear of judgment and punishment.
Yes! When I stopped believing in a personal god, I no longer had to try to figure out why such a god would allow horrible things to happen--not only to humans but to animals. I also did not have to wonder why such a god would create a place of eternal punishment for the imperfect, tiny beings that it created for its amusement. And, the universe is much more amazing to me as a non-believer than it ever was as a believer.
I can have my own belief system-yes happier
Yes, freedom at last from the fairy tales, false promises, and threats.
I don't know, I was never religious. I was a good Faker.
Absolutely! A lot less worry and fear, and no shame over stupid so called "Sins"
I am happy. What caused that is I let go of all hate. I am a seeker of knowledge,and question everything.
Happier now? Never really drank the cool-aid but I am happy I am not a theists.
No, happiness isn't a permanent emotion however I am more content and intellectually fulfilled.
To me, I think it's give and take. Certainly I'm freer without religious dogmas and my morality is much more liberal and at the same time kinder to other living being than when I was religious. I feel the religious are better at dealing with existential crisis than the non-believers.