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LINK The universe may be conscious, say prominent scientists - Big Think

Scientists have theorized that your consciousness exists as a 4th dimensional quantium "thing". A material, a substance that we use to visualize memories, concepts and objects into 3 and 5 dimensional constructs.

Where does this substance come from and where does it go when our body dies?

Energy does not get destroyed rather it is simply reconstituted into another form of matter. So too does "thought" reconstitute as it too is a form of matter.

So as the theory goes consciousness is a form of matter and we are all part of it, the universe(s) are just dreams in the mind's eye of a multidimensional omni-consciousness.

This could be put another way for the theologians out there, we are all god.

RobertFoley 6 Nov 6

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45 comments (26 - 45)

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I remain highly skeptical of any and all psychic phenomena. None of these can be reproducibly demonstrated under controlled conditions. That being said, many stories of non-reproducible events have been recorded, the best example being remote viewing. The CIA and Army have engaged in developing training to perform remote viewing and some people seem to be better at it than others. However, again, it's non-reproducible. At best, it is an intriguing riddle, but more likely, if it exists, practical application is probably beyond our current physical state.

Strong arguments against the reality is that psychic savants do not present themselves with abilities good enough to test positive. The sorts of electromagnetic fields generated by our brains appear to be far, far too weak to be picked up at any distance. One appears to be obliged to imagine a whole different realm of reality to account for psychic phenomena.

Perhaps consciousness is another dimension of reality like time, spin, or the Higgs Field. Until we have a testable phenomenon, we're just BS'ing each other.


Again that word. We don't need to be bringing any gods into the picture.

Anyway the article isn't as stupid as I thought it would be, although it is all still speculation. It could go somewhere. I don't see it as something to believe in or not believe in, but rather something to be tested and considered. But to conclude that if this is so, we should then use an emotionally charged word that already has a handful of meanings in conjunction with something unrelated to the meanings of that word? Like a giant t step backwards, that! We may or may not learn more about this kind of consciousness (which sounds reasonable but of which there is no actual evidence) in our lifetimes, but don't worry --someone will turn it into a religion anyway.



Ancient Asians new it all along.

MrDMC Level 7 Nov 6, 2019

“I go into the Upanishads to ask questions.”
Niels Bohr


"Where does this substance come from and where does it go when our body dies?

Energy does not get destroyed rather it is simply reconstituted into another form of matter. So too does "thought" reconstitute as it too is a form of matter."

That would be the first law of thermodynamics, also known as Law of Conservation of Energy. Try this article



I think human consciousness (as difficult as that is) should be nailed-down first.


Yes, we are all god and nobody wants to die. People who lay on tables and beds going nowhere continue to make up stories about where they went when body and mind functions start to wane. If they come back again and are normal stupid people who want to believe in myth embrace them and the experience.

Lazerus never said a single word about being dead and neither did Jesus. I wonder why that is? As for Jesus being reurrected or saying anything, we have the ramblings of Saul of Tarsus and some books written about 70 AD that appear to try and convince the Jews that they killed their Messiah. They could better be controlled that way, and I think Saul was in on this with them.


So, as the information stored in the "material" that enables this Quantum "Thing" to occur is "reconstituted", does the information remain the same? Or is it lost all together?

It may be stored in black holes.

@intrepid65 Might as well be. Burn the book, the story is lost.

@snrgevo lost to obscurity.


We are all soup.......


If consciousness is a form of matter then animals would be just like us in that sense but do they?

I don't think it that sense.

@PondartIncbendog That's kind of how the post is written, isn't?


LOL. Good luck trying to prove the universe is conscious. It’s pretty much impossible to prove anything has consciousness outside of ones self.


People being God is backed by peer reviewed text that has been peer reviewed for 1000s of years and the text is the most copied world record holding text of its kind.

3 different references that people are Gods. With out disputing truth or fiction of Jesus character, it is written that Jesus style God argued that people are Gods.
Isaiah 41:23 Shew the things that are to come hereafter, that we may know that ye are gods: yea, do good, or do evil, that we may be dismayed, and behold it together.
Psalms 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.
John 10:34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?

Do you agree with what is written as to Jesus saying people are Gods? Willy Wanka God and Harry Potter God are the styles of Gods that people want evidence of for acceptance that "Gods" exist in or as real people. People do not want to accept Michael Jordon basketball God as a type of God because basketball is totally "all-natural", nothing of a superior state or supernatural state of existence. Any short fatman could fly thru the air and dunk a ball like mike, right? It's just "all-natural".

It is not necessary or required to prove any other style of God, only one style of God is required to prove atheism incorrect or illogical.

Word Level 8 Nov 8, 2019

@maturin1919 in a previous profile life i had a thing against fred. They called me, Antifred. I have since returned with a new reincarnated but changed profile life.

@maturin1919 must have me confused with some one else.


I can read and study a zoological book, go to the zoo, see caged animals but that does not make me a zoologist. I can understand I am what is called a mammal.

No different with biblical text. I can read an study what has been written and understand that people are accepted to be called Gods. That does not make me a Christian, I can understand it makes me a God.

Authority - Etymology Edit
Middle English auctorite, autorite (“authority, book or quotation that settles an argument&rdquo😉, from Old French auctorité, from Latin stem of auctōritās (“invention, advice, opinion, influence, command&rdquo😉, from auctor (“master, leader, author&rdquo😉. For the presence of the h, compare the etymology of author.

The biblical text is a book that has been authored. It is said to have about 40 different authors.

The biblical text has been peer reviewed for minimum almost 2000 years. According to biblical time line, old testiment is another 1000 or what ever older than new testiment.

The biblical text has achieved world record for being most copied text of its kind.

The main Character gives a defination for a style of God.

I don't think you understand what "peer-reviewed" means, so Richard Dawkins has "peer-reviewed" the Bible, and it's bunk.

@maturin1919 you say, "We all know ..." are you saying this from a multiple personality perspective?

@maturin1919 I knew a man once. He was bipolar schitzoeffective, After I did what I could to help he was no longer in need of his meds for bipolar schitzoeffective. I would not specifically call it an expertise, but I understand a thing or 2 about it.


Read it as far as the word "emanates".


Cognition - the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses.

synonyms😛erception, discernment, awareness, apprehension, learning, understanding, comprehension, enlightenment, insight, intelligence, reason, reasoning, thinking, (conscious) thought

Logos - "word, speech, statement, discourse," also "computation, account," also "reason," from PIE log-o-, suffixed form of root leg- (1) "to collect, gather," with derivatives meaning "to speak," on notion of "to pick out words."

You think and you move atoms, molecules, complex compounds, body matter, muscle etc. The first representation of a person would be zygote that grows by chemical reactions. Our first cognative logos intellectual capabilities starts as a single cell chemical reaction and grows, increases, adds matter. To think is to be God as compared to atoms laying around on a periodic table of elements. To think is to control chemical reactions and atoms of the body and the body capable of moving matter in surrounding environment of the body. John 1:1 To start was the logos, the logos was with God and was God. Psalms 82:6  I have said, Ye are gods; ... John 1:14 ... the logos become flesh ...
To think, to logos, to do cognative activities is the HIGHEST of any ability. What would any ability be with out the thinking ability or logos with it?

Word Level 8 Nov 7, 2019

The universe is the Brain matter is the connections keeping it alive.


Where does energy go? The body's energy goes into the food chain - bugs, even anaerobic ones, get full. Where the mysterious energy of consciousness goes, is just a thought or guess or unprovable theory.

@K9Kohle789 Of course not, our synapses are constantly firing.



"The phrase essentially uses Pete a mild substitute for God or Christ"
Origins of OFPS.

@PondartIncbendog fits the bill here....


Like the Cloud, lol?




\sounds like Eastern mysticism to me. So some clever educated scientists hang on to the idea that we have some sort of soul that lives on after we die. There is no evidence that consciousness exists outside the brain.
I watched my late sister in law change from a lively intelligent woman to an empty shell of a person through Altzymers and to think that she was to live on in some sort of afterlife is incredibly cruel.


Pretty much what they said in, ‘what the bleep’ years ago. (Extended version best). Apart from the conscious bit, the study on meditating and intentions was really interesting, hope more people start to open to these ideas.
Where do energy and thought reside, especially when we die? Oh I do love being agnostic, I don’t know but I’ll not be expending too much of said energy finding out- there are more pressing matters to achieve within my lifetime 😊

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