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Making fun of Marie Kondo's online store: Does it spark joy?

"Marie Kondo, she of throwing-things-out fame, has a store. Right on schedule for the holiday season! Naturally, people are wondering why a woman whose whole thing is that you should eliminate the excess from your home has switched course to funnel crap into your life."

This article is hilarous!


Must admit I was inspired by Marie Kondo's Netflix show. Winnowed down clothes, dishes, music, books, etc.

My favorite idea of hers was to fold and file clothes in drawers. It saves space. You can see at a glance what's in there without pawing through the drawer.

Marie Kondo folding clothes:


LiterateHiker 9 Nov 20

Enjoy being online again!

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Personally, I do not find anything funny here. Moreover, I believe that dropshipping is a profitable field, and I admire people working in this industry. Honestly, I am also thinking of opening a dropshipping account. I've recently found out about the mercari side hustle. Still, since I am not that experienced in this field, I want to learn more about how it works before offering dropshipping services. I really hope that I will be able to accomplish this goal. So guys, wish me luck because I will definitely need it.


Man, her stuff is expensive.....

I too, love and use Kondo's drawer folding technique.


But see, it's OKAY to get rid of your things -- as long as you replace them with all of her crap!


My only knowledge of Marie Kondo is through her name drop on Brooklyn 99.


I have been a minimalist since well before it became a thing. I don't need organizers; I don't have enough to need it. Including clothes.


Cashing in on your fame is the American way......


A typical cycle. Make content that people want to see, gain a following, switch to selling trinkets to that following to increase the income stream. Half of all the famous Youtubers out there switch to selling t-shirts or coffee mugs eventually, for example.


I can safely say i have never heard of her


I don’t know about her store and ain’t gonna find out, but I had great joy throwing stuff out last night

CS60 Level 7 Nov 20, 2019

This makes me happy that I am "unplugged"


I wonder what she says about recycling and reuse. She should be a spokeswoman for thrift stores not retail. When money enters the picture often ethics leave.

Apparently she feels that the thing that doesn't bring you joy and you don't need (and she does) is money based on her prices.

People like her really piss me off.
What's worse are those who think she's on to something. What she's peddling is nothing new.

I've been doing "purges" for decades.
Hell, before she was even born.
Not once did I ever try to make anyone feel bad, or try to profit from how I choose to keep my shit organized.
Fuck her.

@KKGator Tell is how you really feel. Don’t hold back lol


Just another marketing scam.
She's a con.



I’ve actually watched an episode of that show and this made me lol: “Was making you get rid of all your belongings so she can sell you new ones her con all along?” And then I read the rest of it and laughed all the way through. Thanks for the good yuks!


She is over the top pricey!


Not quality stuff

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 20, 2019
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