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Are you lonely

This thought comes up fairly frequently as I dabble in various free dating apps with abject failure.
I realize my lack of success is do to my lack of effort and when I think about my lack of effort I conclude that I'm just not lonely enough to put forth a proper effort.
It's not that I don't want to date, I'm still hoping to stubble upon that special partner that needs me as little as I need them.
I know that probably sounds weird but I just listen to a pod cast that talked about cures for loneliness, one being to talk to strangers and it suddenly dawned on me that THAT is what I already do, talk to a lot of strangers, and perhaps that is why I never feel lonely, at least not lonely enough to seek out someone.
How about you? Are you here because you are lonely or is being on sites like this the reason you're not lonely?

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ThomasLevi 6 Nov 20

Enjoy being online again!

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I used to be lonely, but after years of rejection I'm just numb.


I have dogs.


I'm not lonely and wish the people I know would be around less.


I get lonely, but I think that's the wrong reason to find a partner. It could lead to finding someone who's not right for us because it becomes more about who's there. I don't think it's possible to put out a proper effort to date when you're lonely because it becomes more about what you need than what you want. It's important to find friends and companions to help us feel connected, but we also need to take care of ourselves and recognize that loneliness is part of the human condition.


I’m not lonely. I have friends I love and see my kid a couple of times a week. I haven’t been lonely since I got divorced. Turns out being alone is WAY less lonely than being in a bad marriage.

Amen to that

Truer words were never spoken


If I'm on this site I'm lonely. Just recently I'm working on friendships. Maybe more will come of it.


Sometimes yes and sometimes no.

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