Everything about trump is a lie, the man is disgusting in his smallness. I do not believe there has ever been a person so insecure in the WH.
The fact faux fox refuses to point out simple facts to it's viewers - for example, the picture did not get hung in the embassy because trump himself did not sit for the portrait, the embassy HAD NO PICTURE to hang does the country a dis-service. If MSM, particularly fox had from jump loudly broadcast his lies with the REAL facts I think trump would have imploded months ago.
Sondland points out facts and what does MSM do? Glosses over the BEST ones for shit like "Yea, that sounds like something I'd say", with the camera full on that shit eatin' grin, when asked about the comment 'Velenski loves your ass'.
Sondland could have taken one for the team or go full scorch earth, well he outed everyone and fox along with other far right talk radio. etc. is completely ignoring it.