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Anyone enjoy doing their own automotive\household\misc. repairs?

I particularly get satisfaction from fixing items that I know should have a longer life (coffee makers, dishwashers...). I also like the feeling of saving some serious dosh by doing most of my appliance and car repairs myself. Case in point was a $10 part to fix an igition problem with my car. The mechanic wanted $300.

TrailRider 7 Mar 25

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I enjoy remodeling/carpentry work. I’ll do plumbing repairs and dry wall as a way to keep my vocabulary of swear words updated. Automotive work can be fun.
In all of this, YouTube is your friend!


I don't necessarily enjoy it. I'm just too much of a cheap-ass to pay someone else to do it.


I'll try pretty much anything and have. Not a fan of working with gas, electric is fine, plumbing is OK but carpentry is my favorite. I really get a lot of pleasure from doing my own construction projects. I put new windows throughout the house by myself, except the big old picture window in the front. For it I built a custom storm window to increase efficiency and fit the house better. Reframed for a couple of the windows so I could put in larger ones and replace a section of sill plate that had rot in it. Well the list goes on. I still have a long list of wanna do projects. I am willing to farm out more of them as I get older but I still get a kick out of doing it myself.


I don't mind working on cars for my friends, but working on my own is frustrating as hell.

JimG Level 8 Mar 25, 2018

I do all kinds of stuff like that.
I was an auto mechanic for years. I've done all sorts of home repairs and remodels.
Electrical installs or repairs, stuff like that.

I look at something that needs to be done and dive in. It's how I learn to do things, hands on.
I'm also cheap and refuse to pay someone to do something I think I can do myself. 😉


Over the last few years, Kim and I have become crazy Do-It-Yourselfers...put in a bamboo fence, including digging holes manually, pouring concrete, setting 9' fence posts, cross beams, affixing rolls of bamboo etc. ( I even lost 35 pounds over the weeks)
Laid a new travertine deck around the pool, complete with stucco block flower planters...put in a complete porcelain tile floor throughout the 3/2 house...painted every room plus exterior of house...power wash the roof, deck and driveway whenever needed...
Latest projects include repairing and selling items thrown away by the spoiled rich neighbours here in Florida.
Three Flat screen TV's ( so far)- all they usually need is to have their 'conehead' capacitors changed out. A 100+ bottle wine cooler that I simply changed out the capacitor again ($7.00) and then sold it for $350.00 on-line. We have a minimum of 10 pieces of furniture in our home that we found by the roadside also...chairs, bedside stands, a beautiful dresser, even a Waterford crystal clock. Incredible!


Yes you found one. Like you I try to fix all things broken, Things I know nothing about and suddenly care to see if I can give it new life. I just did the kitchen counter epoxy countertops in my moblie home, Like this matters, but I wanted so much to attempt this and it is wonderful. Never argue for your limitations if you expect to win the arguement. Nothing will be done

EMC2 Level 8 Mar 26, 2018

I enjoy the satisfaction and sense of pride in my accomplishment. I love to solve problems. But I also know when I'm going to be in over my head and turn to the pros.


I’ll work on cars. I’m not rebuilding an engine, at least I haven’t ever, not out of the realm of possibility if my situation ever gets better.


I do quite a bit of auto and household stuff... I either love it or hate it! IF it goes well, then it's great: the satisfaction of doing it yourself, saving money, and often quicker than having to call for estimates and schedule with contractors/mechanics. However, Murphy's Law seems to kick in... especially with car repairs. Just earlier today I had a "15 minute" car repair that turned into almost 2 hours... and I'm going to have to go back to the auto parts store at least one more time! Times like these are very trying!


Replced my dryer belt today. I just enjoy tinkering and fixing things.


I invested in real estate and did my own maintenance . Had 4 homes , at one time , Eventually , my spine gave out , so I sold off the other properties .

We have four properties right now...I have also worn out three sets of knee-pads...I know exactly what you mean!


I like working on it all. My strongest most technical ability is to know when to stop and get some help or turn it over to a pro.


I am capable electrician, so I do my eelctric stuff and some other minor repairs at home. But for major stuff call specialists to do it. Especially plumbing - not my strong side.


Can you come over to my house please? I'll pay you. 😟 I'm hating home ownership.

It's exhausting!!!


Sure. My dad raised me in his foreign auto repair shop, but that was so long ago, it was before there were computers in cars. He'd let me do tune-ups, oil changes, vehicle inspections, and tire balancing (an old bubble balancer!), and drive the Mercedes, Audis, Fiats, Volvos, Porsches, and other exotics back home to their owners.

I also had my own home repair/remodeling business for 23 years, only giving it up to have shoulder surgery. All my customers were by referral, and I've done everything from roofing to slabs. I'm currently the Plumbing Pro at a local Lowe's. I don't mind getting my hands dirty!


I love working on my truck. It is a way to take myself away from stress and just go into my own world.


I am a capable supervisor on many repair jobs, but doing them myslef? No. Too old, too handicapped, too impatient.

Luckily, I have my wife, Kim to supervise me.


It depends on what it is. My mechanical knowledge is pretty lacking, so automotive or other serious repairs are best left to professionals. But if it's cosmetic carpentry or simple plumbing or something routine, I'm okay with it.


I replaced the lower rack in my dishwasher and was quite pleased with myself. I do minor repairs and simple stuff like putting up shelves. I paint where I don't need a real tall ladder. I have a split entry foyer and cathedral ceilings. I have a son in law that works in construction. He painted the rooms that I couldn't handle, and did some other work for me. Car stuff, nope I'm hopeless there.




That's a funny way of putting it. I don't "enjoy" doing it at all. but I sort of have to. my property manager won't do it so i'm relegated to doing it. I have to watch all sorts of youtube tutorials to figure out how it's done, and then do it the best way possible. so far i've learned how to replace a door, install a faucet, install door knobs, reinstall a window, cut out and replace ceiling board and wallboard. the next big thing is learning how to tear out rotten floor boards and rebuild a floor. wish me luck on that one 😉

YouTube is pretty handy for diy videos.


I love to do all that but always end up with more parts as spare than can make the thing I'm fixing work .


I cannot do a thing mechanically, can't hammer a nail straight, but seem to manay house hold imptovements ok. Am almost finished an older house, will be done in a few weeks. My 1st house when I was 21 was over 100 years old. Took me years.


I'll give most things a go


Not that talented. My housemates however do electrical, plumbing, heating, and automotive so I'm all set.

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