27 5

Living in the south

How do the rest of you handle living in the south?

Between politics and religion I do not fit in here in TN. It's hard to have any relationships at all living here. Friends, Family, girlfriends. How does anyone else deal with it?

WillyG53 4 Mar 26

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I lived in Kentucky and Ohio for 12 was horrible. Like you said, between politics and religion, it's difficult to find anyone to relate to, much less become friends with. That twin whammy permeates everything. I found it very depressing, and never found a way to deal with it, although I tried several times. I'm so glad I moved back to California!

marga Level 7 Apr 5, 2018

I feel your pain in Georgia. I actually just posted on this. I recommend checking out meetups and possibly some Facebook groups

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