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If Jesus died for my sins, why am I not allowed to sin? If Jesus died for my sins, and I don't sin, did Jesus die for nothing?

RundioII 5 Nov 20

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Ummmmm, there never was a "Jesus" (Romans were meticulous record keepers) and what exactly is this "sin" you are worried about???!?


I just feel bad for all those nice little paleolithic and neolithic and bronze age and iron age peoples who died long before God could ever become man as Jesus the Christ and be crucified and suffer and die upon the cross, before he could rise from death like a dove from mud and restore the human race to the grace of God through the conduit of the holy spirit. (Ahem, he himself, to himself, through himself.) But better late than never, though, I'm a right, folks? What a blessed world this is and always has been!


This short informative video will answer your question.


It's a total bunch of B.S. Someone dying on your behalf makes no sense at all. They are "dead", and you are not, so where's the gain for anybody?? What is the logical connection there?? Don't strain yourself over it, because there's nothing of any sense to be found there.
Western religions are just soooo over the top crazy and wacko, I can scarcely believe that anyone who is anywhere near being sane would buy into any of it.


I don’t think crazy or wacko are terms that apply solely to Western religions — how about those beliefs relating to reincarnation? Who decides what you come back as and the level of severity of your sins? And if you can’t remember the sins of a previous life, what good is Karma?


You are allowed to sin, it just means an eternity of damnation. Unless of course you give generously in the collection box 🙂


As far as I am concerned, saying Jesus died for someone's sins makes about as much sense as saying a hog wallowed in the mud for my sins, first, the whole idea of someone being born into sin is totally fucking ridiculous because I have yet to see a 6-month old human sin, and, given that the butt head who claimed he was dying for their sins supposedly came to life again afterward, there really was no sacrifice made . . . . so I would rather believe the hog wallowed in the mud to purge humans of their sin, it is at least slightly more believable.

THHA Level 7 Dec 5, 2018

What if one doesn't believe that sin exists ? I'll just go my merry way ...


Christians. Sin all week, get them washed away every Sunday, then start again. It's like getting another clean plate at the buffet.


He didn’t die for anyone’s “sins.” He was executed because he was a convicted criminal.


Yes, some of the classic contradictions of xtianity. There are lots of others. My personal favorite is that if Jesus died for our sins, can I just get beat up for my mortgage?


No such thing as sin but some people are immoral.


Actually, he didn’t die, he just gave up a weekend and then buggered off not to be seen or heard from again.

Settled down in France with Mary and Joseph. Had a few kids and lived happily ever after.


Don't worry, Jeffrey Dahmer and Charles Manson accepted Jesus, so they'll explain it to you when you get to heaven.


I've pointed this inconsistency out before, too. There's a problem with giving people free will but then telling them they can never use it. And then to scapegoat all the supposed sins of humanity on one person, well, it's just silly.


According to those who believe this silliness, we are all born sinners. That is what we are from the moment we are born until out last breath (thank you Adam and Eve). We are not perfect, like god; so, no matter what--we will at some point sin.

The sins we commit do not have to be against another person. It might be the sin of envy, or self-pride, or lust or a whole host of "thought" sins.

Anyway, because this god is perfect, and it cannot deal with our imperfection (even though it made is this way) it had to sacrifice itself to itself in the form of being the father and the son of itself in order to cover these sins. Because we all know that the only way to cover sins is for there to be a sacrifice, and the shedding of innocent blood, right?

All sin? Even the fun ones?

I appreciate that you refer to it as "it" when you speak of god. I hate personifying a mass delusion. I admit though that when speaking to fundamentalists I sometimes use feminine pronouns.


It's like he paid by check when he was crucified, but when he rose from the dead two days later (Sorry, Friday evening until Sunday morning isn't three days.) he effectively stopped payment on that check.

JimG Level 8 Mar 22, 2020

I was trying to start a "religion" called Soulontology where are the major prophets were 60's soul singers. "Otis Reddiing died for your sins.™"

Stenz Level 6 Oct 25, 2019

And what kind of parent would let their child be crucified anyway?


There has to be someone to sin against, in order to sin. So.... ??


We don't know that he did any such thing ... and if he did, I, for one, am not concerned.

Yes, there is no evidence for Jesus Christ. Even the most prolific historians of the time give no mention to him.


Two very big "If"s there.


I've always interpreted it as Jesus died for "our" sins so we no longer have to do all the ridiculous shit from the old testament.

JoeVZ Level 4 Dec 6, 2018

Logic has nothing to do with belief, but I share your confusion.

AJ413 Level 3 Nov 12, 2018



Believe what you want, but I will not consider you a rational human being.


No, they got that covered with the original sin stick. You know, the babies born already tainted?

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