43 11

Dealing with praying?

How do you deal with sitting down to eat with family/friends that says a prayer including Jesus Christ?

(I allow it and then announce my own prayer about love of family, gratitude for the food we are about to eat. Including all the people involved with this food arriving here and now.)

alatlas 4 Dec 11

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I respectfully say, "I don't participate in prayer, but don't mind if you do it." Then I place my hands on my lap. I do not bow my head, join hands, close my eyes or fold my hands. Then, I wait for them to finish and move on. I've had a few folks pray specifically for God to "soften my heart" at times like these, but since he's not real I let it slide.

@NoPlanetB I agree that it isn't respectful, so I audibly sigh whenever they mention me during prayer.


I just wait for it to finish. If some people do it, that is their business.


Sit there quietly and let them talk to their ceiling.

I thought they were talking to the floor since they usually look down in my experience. So confusing.


I listen respectfully, then I eat.


These days I do not bow my head and I deliberately look around. I simply do not believe the person praying. I do not believe them at all. To me a prayer over food asking it to be used "for the nourishment of your body" is totally ignorant until you put yourself in a world with no refrigeration and sometimes little food. Once this is understood it makes more sense to me, but not to people today.

Now I will go on into praying in general. I do not believe people who say they "are praying for you." I do not believe George and Laura Bush, politicians in general, nor do I believe Pelosi is praying for Trump. I don't believe churches or their pastors or anybody else that makes such a ridiculous claim. Saul of Tarsus got it all going when they used "prayer clothes" to pray for others remotely because everyone could not be present to do so. In modern times bags of mail are brought in and everyone prays over them that "god will meet their needs." This is insanity. We might as well throw money up into the air and let god catch all that he can.

No, I do not believe you when you are praying for me. In one way or another you are simply putting on a big show.


I don't really worry about it. Sometimes I do like to reflect on the great gift of living though.


Many times I had meals with my older brother and his side of the family that were JW, they would pray and I didn't. Never was an issue. Even then they knew I was agnostic.


Deep breath look at the walls, wait for people to finish.
If questioned or asked to say the pray I answer that I am not christian.


As an atheist, I go through the motions, be that joining hands or whatever, but I don't close my eyes or say a word, especially amen. Be a part of...but know what is considered prayer and what is not...that's my philosophy. (Lifetime in the south and still here...and totally surrounded).


I kind of think of it as in the Janice Joplin song... OH God can you give me a color TV..............


I sit quietly, with my head up, and eyes open. I can be grateful without the voo-doo chant !


I just close my eyes, try not to look dismissive, and repeat "lalalalalalala..." in my head until it is over.


I ignore it. I don't even make a show of it either way.

It's not my place to cure, correct or even point out mental illness in others. I acknowledge that I am simply not qualified to do so.


If you don't believe in a God, then who do you pray to?


@Philomena I guess the better question would be, if you don't believe in a God then why pray at all?

Sometimes I'm at a dinner/meal where someone (usually my sister) want to say a prayer. Interestingly, I'm usually not the only one looking around and twiddling my thumbs when this happens. I'm definitely not going to add a "prayer" at the end just to compete with the religious nut.


Let those who believe that do their thing and those who don’t do their thing . Respectively , I just remain quiet while that goes on and keep it moving when done . If one is secure in their beliefs , nothing can shake that , mutual respect is essential however, so I let those Who have awareness of that , get theirs in . No big deal


Not an issue in many Western places. Probably mostly in America


Praying, exactly to whom...I mean you, not them......

from the way they worded it, it sounds more like making a speech than a prayer to a deity.


A prayer before a meal is such a rare occurrence for me. I just close my eyes and sit there. It’s not a big deal.

I just sit there.

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