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Why do some men think women should be attracted because they are?

Apparently they think their innate sexual magnetism will stimulate me like an animal in heat.

Here's what usually happens. I arrive early at a restaurant, nicely dressed to honor the occasion. "Kathleen!" I hear. Turning, I recognize no one. My hot date suddenly aged 10 years and gained 60 lbs. He posted old photos. Liar.

Of course the men are attracted me. Sigh. The feeling is not mutual.

My heart sank when Dave stepped out of his car. Extremely short and fat with a huge belly and wild curly hair, he looked like a troll doll. He posted old photos.

As kindly as possible, I let Dave know I'm not attracted to him. He asked.

"Attraction is funny," I replied. "They call it chemistry: it's either there, or it's not. It's not."

"Some women are all over me," he protested. "I can't believe I drove all this way for nothing."

Legends in their own minds.

LiterateHiker 9 Dec 15

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This happens too often for you not to address it. I suggest that before you agree to meet the man you come right out and ask him if his photos are recent and reflect his appearance as it is NOW. If he says yes, tell him to send you a quick selfie holding a frying pan and send it to you in the next five mins.

If he refuses or fails to do it, no date. The frying pan guarantees the pic is new and authentic.

This might sound silly but I'm being serious about it.

you are totally right

@whiskywoman Thank you. I frequently am. 😉


Women also lie online and are, in many cases, in the same denial as many men are, so I would say that no gender is free of charge.


I hear you, Kathleen, but most of us are really a legend in our own minds. This goes for male and female. I used to think I was Tarzan or Errol Flynn and I worked out all the time. These days I look in the mirror and I see my grandpa.

good for you most men don't ever see the aging gentleman


My theory is that every man should expect some woman somewhere to find him attractive. That doesn't mean he will find her attractive. And there's no guarantee that two mutually-attracted people will ever meet.

There's an obvious give-and-take when it comes to attractiveness. It's the elephant in the room. As Clint Eastwood's character said in a movie: "a man's got to know his limitations".

Many of us don't want to be realistic about our limitations, and keep casting the line out there where there aren't any fish. As we get older there are 2 things we can do about our limitations: [1] lower our expectations, and [2] improve our attractiveness.

I'm working on both.

Those are 2 obvious choices.. 1 lower our expectations and 2. Improve our attractiveness. It sounds logical to me

@SeaGreenEyez your response makes me sad too, but what other idea do you have?

@SeaGreenEyez if you look again you'll see that I'm clear about working both angles. I'm working hard to reduce my negatives: grooming and dressing; diet and exercise. Now that I'm retired I have nothing more important to do.

I wrote that response in the context of the original post from @LiterateHiker. I was proposing an attitude adjustment for men who, like me, have been reluctant to face the realities that attractiveness (or lack thereof) plays in this dating mess.

I don't believe in tasking others with things I'm not willing to do myself. So that's why I wrote it that way.

I think that is absurd. As I have aged, I have raised my expectations. Yes, physical appearance changes, but one can still be fit. What I look for most, however, is intellect and a well-developed, still-curious mind. I have raised my standards for this over the years.

@Mitch07102 well good for you, Mitch.


Self-centered, if not narcissistic (though not necessarily in a clinical way). Some people confuse confidence with arrogance.

The line between arrogance and confidence is very fine and often confused...


It's not just men. I dated for 15 years before I met Karen. I ran into exactly the thing you described here from women. They were either way older than their picture, or heavier or both. I was a distance runner at the time, and had an ad explaining that I enjoyed hiking/backpacking, running, bicycling and paddling. I had women message me who had a hard time walking from their car to the restaurant.
I didn't understand it either. They had to know you would see the way they look now, when you meet and you are right, there has to be some kind of initial attraction before you can go farther.


You have a much more active social life then I do! I rarely meet anyone and so have no good stories🙂

@JohnnyQB you know I am really not sure. I am a teacher and do not date coworkers or my students Fathers. I socialize, I have friends, go out often enough but don't meet anyone. But thank you for the compliment 🙂

@JohnnyQB to be honest, I am not looking too hard so that may be part of it. I suppose it will happen when it happens. 🙂


I've seen both men and women use old or "airbrushed" photos of themselves and I think it's a combination of denying mortality and fearing rejection, with a dash of vanity thrown in. Why people do it in a dating context, where face to face contact is the goal, I'll never understand. If I were dating, I'd used my best current photo, but it'd be current. What's far worse than someone looking at your photo and going "yuck" is someone looking you in the face and knowing that you've been lying -- and THEN going "yuck".

There's one other possible explanation for this behavior that you bemoan: it may be a strategy to locate partners who are weak and servile. If a woman is too "nice" to express betrayal that early in the relationship, then she will be easily controlled. In other words, get them invested with old photos and smooth talk, and hope that they stay the course rather than cut their losses. Hope, in short, they're that desperate.

You are right that chemistry and trust are important. My wife vividly remembers the first pic she saw of me. It was an accurate representation of my current appearance, and she liked what she saw and was not surprised to see that I looked that way in person. And it established right away that I'm an honest actor.

That picture is now 12 years old and I'm somewhat worse for the wear, but love has a way of stopping time, fortunately. But I try to honor that old photo by doing my best to stay fit and healthy.

yea I see that all the time too and then I see the guy that falls out of bed unshaven big belly little pecker hair all messy take a pic and proud of it


Most men are legends in their own minds. Due to traditional roles that men have been inculcated into, mens egos are unnecessarily vulnerable. The fear of rejections often causes men to overi-inflate their assets, to the point that they eventually actually believe their own press. It's not right, but given the old pervasive culture, it happens all too often.

and they know how good the assets feel to them so they assume it feels good for others too

we are all wonderful in and out of bed ....we just are not all wonderful together ...and that is a good thing ...everyone has special gifts and beauty even if I can't see theirs and they can't see mine one size never fits all

@Gwendolyn2018 I was 5'10 before the accident! So what? Now, I'm 5'6. Don't ask.....


Lying like that is a non-starter, every time. Old photos are a deal-breaker.

photos be damned its if they lie to your face or while you are talking that's what counts to me

@whiskywoman Photos a couple of years old, that still accurately represent, are fine. Even an old photo, identified as such, is OK if it is just one of a few more recent. But to not identify that a pic is old, or worse, post an older pic and now your appearance has dramatically


You don’t seem to be having much luck lately. You know the old adages

“If what you’re doing ain’t working, change what you’re doing”

And “If you always do what you’ve always done you’ll always get what you’ve always got”

Just a thought.


Don't blame me because many older men are fat and sedentary and post old photos on dating sites.

"I figure there are four or five fit, single women in their 60s who want a relationship in each state, excluding the South," a psychologist in Idaho told me. "I met the four women in Idaho and they all have personality disorders."

Not blaming you for anything. Just an observation.

@SeaGreenEyez I know I was replying to Kathleen who in her post told me not blame her for her choice in sedatantary male dates!

@SeaGreenEyez I know it happens sometimes!


Hi, I'm fat, old, and gray. I drive a 69 f150 with primer. It doesn't have muffler. Neither do I.
Want to go out? Or just want me to go?

Your poor ears!


The best advice I ever got as far as women are concerned is in life, there will be women who like you and you don't feel the same way, women who you like and they won't feel the same way and women where the feeling is mutual.

Online dating can be tough as we all try to put our best foot forward. This can manifest itself as exaggerated interest and hobbies as well as outdated and picking the best pictures available to us.

Due to this, I often try to ask for impromptu pictures in order to make sure the person I am talking to looks the way they presented themselves in their profile. I try not to overdo this of course, but I do view it as a safety precaution.

good point about the impromptu pic

I would prefer a video call.


Always ask for a real time selfie or FaceTime, I’ve learned this the hard way ☹️

But don't you feel insulted when a man asks for that?

@BitFlipper no I don’t, I understand

@sandrarocks83 thanks. I've been afraid to do that for fear of insulting them.

@BitFlipper don't self censor....honesty is NEVER INSULTING lies are ALWAYS INSULTING


I think two things are needed after a little introductory chat online... 1 a text of a selfie. I send one, just me at that moment, not posed or airbrushed, and request one back. A guy who is afraid of showing his face, just as boring and plain as mine, is a no-go. 2 a plan to meet. NSA quick meet up, decide on a "real date" after that. Its really easy to get a vibe from a 20 minute meeting. And if it turns into a 90 minute meeting, thats great, but the key is, make it really easy for either person to say "i have to get going", without pressuring anyone.


You could go on a short drive to meet me? I'm not a hiker. I hate exercise. In fact I would move unless I had to. I'm not thin. I never will be. I'm gonna make sure of that. I'm not driving there either. You could show up at the door and I'm still not letting you in.
I don't live alone. There's two dogs, two cats, two fish, two goats and two horses. And that's inside the house. As far as the smoking? It's not my fault, I'm on fire!


Not interested.

There are no photos of you. What are you hiding?

@LiterateHiker Myself. I look like a dog.

@LiterateHiker Why would you want to see a picture of me if I'm not a hiker?


I refuse to be around a smoker. You asked if I would drive to meet you.

Without a photo of yourself, I figure you are hiding something. Married? Obese?

@LiterateHiker Not obese, not married. Strong and mysterious type.

@LiterateHiker I promise to show myself when I reach level eight. How'z that?

@Grahame too old now


I've seen me in the mirror. I'd love to be the 23 year old again, but I'm not. I try be honest about being human. I don't hide my age, although it is nice for being taken as somewhat younger.
I don't fancy young lasses anymore. A lady has to have some age to her, not that I don't find their beauty a wonder to admire, but it's different.
Now I am overweight, but apart from Christmas I'm gently working it. I snore, fart, belch, scratch, pick and swear. If yoy were in bed with me, I'd steal the covers, but I'd also warm your feet. Plus I can hold a conversation.


And how did you get a picture of me in MY bathroom?


Love your sense of humor!

@LiterateHiker I spend my days laughing at the world.

@Gwendolyn2018 I don't like looking at boobs unless they are on someone else.


When I’m attracted to a woman, I don’t automatically assume she’ll be attracted to me. But I do hope she is, and I go into a first meeting with that hope, that confidence. It’s disappointing when she’s not attracted to me because my photos are real and current.


we all think we have an agreeable look -- but some of us really don't --those plexaderm commercials kill me -- they found what I consider unattractive ppl and they are pleased with the new look I wonder why they would bother --- I feel its inner beauty and attraction there is and are someone out there for anyone willing to be open and try
men always see that young virile boy when in fact they are not that at all
their virility depends on that fragile ego
I get asked all the time to go out and trust me im no beauty and when I turn them down they get hurt and lash out and attack me -- mostly men of average size below ---
ive had men say they were attracted and within three sentences after hi they want me to swear I won't even talk to another man how stupid is that? and yet it happened more than once

Controllers....only talk to givers NOT TAKERS


What words disguise a lying old fart enough to negotiate a a nice bistro rendezvous?


Where did you get this picture of me????


Your last word was delusional, I think maybe replacing that with,🤔 Legends in their own mind. May be more appropriate? I truly wish you better luck. 😉


Good idea.

But I think it's delusional to think their innate sexual magnetism will stimulate me like an animal in heat.

@LiterateHiker yes, I could not agree more. 😉


I recently went back to online dating. IDK why, I'm too busy.
It's been prolly 4 years, and I recognize several women with the SAME pictures who are still on there.

I think it is great that you are making an effort to connect. I rarely get any kind of response to messages I send. Sometimes I bug them and ask them to shit or get off the pot. If you're not interested then STOP viewing my profile. WTF!?!? But just tell me you're not interested and I'll stop viewing your profile too.

I am told by various non-experts ( opinionated people) that this is because women get TONS of messages (and men vastly outnumber them on these sites. )

So my question to you Kathleen , or any woman reading this, is this true?

twill Level 7 Dec 15, 2019


I always reply politely to messages. Many women don't because some guys lash out meanly when they say, "No, thank you."

"Sorry, we live too far apart to develop a relationship," I reply. "Good luck with your search."

"Distance doesn't matter when it comes to love," men write.

"What's your plan?" I ask, bringing them back to reality. "You will fly from England to Wenatchee, WA every two weeks so we can get to know each other?"

@LiterateHiker TY.


If you don't recognize them because of old photos (not shitty photography) pretend like you recognize them as the high school captain of some sports team that you dated in high school.

"Wow, you've changed! How'd things work out with that cheating bitch Cathy I caught you with under the bleachers after the championship, you 2 timing whore?"

Nights now yours again, you're all dolled up, call a friend up for a kidnap girls night out and go kidnap her. Order pizza for the husband and kids if necessary.

1of5 Level 8 Dec 15, 2019
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