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LINK Donations to Salvation Army kettles are down about 30% from last year | Local |

I am wondering if people are onto the BS that is the "Salvation" Army, or if they're just too poor.

HippieChick58 9 Dec 17

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It's their position on lgbtq

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 18, 2019

Historically poor people have been the best givers in our society. I seriously doubt they're aware that The Salvation Army is not as altruistic as their image. In other words we have less money to give.


I think people are hanging on, literally and figuratively. A financial reckoning is coming. There will come a crash and trump will go SEE? I told you so.
Since most people have no clue how money/finances/investments work they will believe this bull shit.
It took years before what Clinton did by repealing the Glass–Steagall Act came home to roast in 2005-2008. To be honest the act had become less effective over the years due to new financial institutions and instruments that were invented to circumvent the Glass-Steagall Act. Regulations covered fewer financial instruments like credit default swaps and finally the collective memory of the reasons for the regulations faded.
Extra money is tight only the wealthy have plenty of discretionary funds to toss around. IMHO


I always harass them.. Bigots.

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