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LINK Children Keep Dying of the Flu in Immigration Custody

Border Patrol recently denied physicians who arrived with flu vaccine in hand at an immigration detention center in San Diego, saying it wasn't "feasible" to give medical care to the people being held there.

Excuse the fuck out of me, if it isn't feasible to give medical care what the fuck is going on?

HippieChick58 9 Dec 20

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I totally agree with your post. It's unbelievable how hateful humanity is getting these days.


We now know where the Gestapo is being trained on Our dime..👿👿👿👿👿👿


Trump and his minions are almost enough to want to believe in a hell where they would burn☹


Judicial murder. Or Ethnic cleansing. What else would go on in a death camp?


The cruelty and sadism is the point. It is soooo sad...

Ohub Level 7 Dec 20, 2019
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