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"Your next post should be People Who Over Post."

This was a man's comment in response to my post, "People Who Overtalk" two days ago.

"It was a joke... biting a tiny bit," he added. At 47, he should know better.

"Your joke is mean and hurtful," I replied. "Why do you want to embarrass and hurt people, 'biting a tiny bit,' as you put it?"

He lashed out calling me narcissistic and selfish. I blocked him.

Since then, I have hesitated to post anything. Mean jokes sting.

LiterateHiker 9 Dec 20

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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Feel free to reply to any comment by clicking the "Reply" button.


I haven't blocked anyone. None at all.


Oh FFS!!!!

Post whatever the fuck you want, however the fuck often you want to post it.
If someone doesn't like it, fuck 'em. They don't have to read it, and if they do,
that's on them.

Don't let some asshole (especially some man who is just trying to get in your pants) effect how you live your life, whether it's in real life, or online.

Baby, ya gotta toughen up. People are going to say mean shit, because
sometimes, they're just mean assholes.
Sometimes, we misinterpret what other people say.
You and I have had that happen to us before. We're still here, and we're still
talking to one another.
We don't always agree, but you know I love ya!
Fuck those assholes. They aren't worthy of you.


Will you be my counselor?

Thanks for bucking me up. I needed that. ( straightens shoulders )

@LiterateHiker You are welcome. I am an excellent cheerleader.
I will "buck you up" any time you need it.
Whether you ask me or not.



If he doesn't want to read your posts, why does he?


Seriously ? You don't post that much!! But when you, I enjoy them so much 😊 and your posts are on a variety of topics! I hope you post more often not less!! And not just to mess with him... It's his problem, not yours... Where would this site be without those who post?

Exactly. CB reflects my thoughts on this.


Thank you for your wise and supportive reply. I appreciate you.

@LiterateHiker after I replied, I looked up this guy through your posts count... He's a puny little level 6 ... With only 4 posts... Not a big contribution to the community.. He's hardly got his feet wet! 😜 You're a level 9 for crying out loud... You are an established community member here.. Don't sweat the newbies lol

That's it! Swat him!!!! 👌😆


Out him.
What's his name?

You know, so I know who to tag in my posts.



His username is @Shawno1972.

@LiterateHiker Ugh. He sounds like a real jewel. 🙄🙄🙄🙄

Sic him, Gator!

@LiterateHiker blocked him long ago.... misogyny has no place here and I cherish your courage KEEP UP THE GREAT POSTS


Thank you, Larry!


Block them and keep it moving Momma 😉


Just be your be your beautiful self and do not let some one like this effect on how your going to post ,I always find using your ignore button and knowing where it comes from and not responding is usually all it takes ,with no ammunition to reply to ,they have nothing


Thank you.


Dont post in public if you don't want all the replies. Save it for your friends group, if you want to hear only your friends.


With that attitude, nobody on this forum is going to make it to level 10. Overruled.

That's hilarious 😂😂


Fergoodness sake. WTH are you letting some dude get to you like that! Screw him. @KKGator said it best: fuck 'em. Keep your posts coming!


Thank you.

After growing up with a critical, funny, alcoholic father, I'm sensitive to criticism. Nothing I did was good enough for my father. Dad never said he loved me.

"While you were growing up, your Uncle John and I worried about you, Kathleen," Aunt Peggy told me in 1990. "Your dad's constant criticism of you negatively affected my kids, too."

That was a revelation. Will always be grateful for Aunt Peggy putting it in perspective. It wasn't just my perception.

@LiterateHiker I know what it's like to grow up with a parent who was chronically critical - I was humiliated, yelled at, physically & emotionally abused, punished, et. al. by my abusive mother. It has been, and will continue to be, a learning and growing process to not care what others think about me.


I for one enjoy your posts. Always well written and very entertaining..... for me. Keep posting.


Thank you so much! I appreciate you.


My recent ex was a narcissist who used all kinds of verbal/emotional abuse, including abuse in the form of a joke. He’d say the abusive thing and depending on my reaction-usually I was upset, of course-he’d claim he was ‘only kidding, you can’t take a joke, what’s wrong with you, making mountains of molehills, always starting something’ Yada yada yada.
I love your posts; don’t let the narcs get you down! Keep posting!


I just blocked an older man who was sealioning me. He is a member of every group on this site. He’s over/grouping. 🤪

This is a new term to me, what does it mean?

@Allamanda Thanks.
Now, though, I'm having trouble picturing what this would be like... I guess I'll have to see it in action.


Yikes... Yeah, I have a problem with people wrongfully tagging my posts. Seems like a lot of user's of this site/app are very immature for as thoughtful as they claim to be.

A-fucking-men. Just had one of those latch onto me the other day. He was ‘proving’ his illogical point with scripture and conspiracy theories. 🙄


I'd be willing to bet $1 that in person the courage to say something like that would not exist. Ignore the haters and trolls.

MizJ Level 8 Dec 20, 2019

Totally agree with @KKGator Just be your sweet lovable self ,The post was not really about you ,It was telling you all about himself?


Don't let him influence you you are doing great honey and many enjoy your posts

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 20, 2019




If someone in the world likes you, you have won life's lottery, if someone on the net gives you a like, you have made a worthwhile contribution.
(And between you and me, I have not been keeping count, but I do think you get a few more than one like.)


We cannot please everyone. Do not let that deter you from posting, if posting is something you enjoy. You have control on how you react to those things, which will happen from time to time. Turn the page, forget the not so pleasant stuff and move on. It works. Cheers.


So who elected this idiot the gatekeeper of that limits how often someone can post? Fuck him and the horse he rode in on!


Keep posting, please.


You're responsible for what you say and do, not for the interpretation people have from it. These days where many people are easily offended you sometimes say a small joke and someone takes in a completely different way from what you meant. With the Internet people are more easily connected and these situations more prone to happen.


They don't have to click on any of your posts to read them. I don't get people today. I see way too many churches around, I don't like them so I don't go to any of them- here a perfect example of what to do- I don't go to each church and tell them that there are too many of them. Just a silly example for this site.🙂😁


Fuck him, I enjoy your posts and your sense of humor.


Thank you, darling! I appreciate you.


Keep up the good work.


Thank you. Hugs.


Remember what Farragut said, “Damn the haters! Captain Literatehiker, go ahead! Post, full speed!”

1of5 Level 8 Dec 20, 2019

I like your posts.

And the opportunity for honest points.

No worries, here - ignore the louts.


Thank you, dear. I needed that.

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