I for sure wouldn't. The God of the Christian bible is petty and downright cruel and would not be deserving of worship.
Some of the things he did in that bible is beyond disgusting and what I'm disturbed by is people who justify his sick actions. Take the story of Abraham and is son for example. Asking a man to murder his own son just to see if Abraham cared about him when God should have known this if he's an all knowing God.
Take the creation story for example. God set Adam and Eve up on purpose to fail, considering he's an all knowing God, yet he put the tree of knowledge here to test Adam and Eve with when he would know ahead of time they'd fail that so called test.
Creating the Devil when he would know in advance the Devil would turn evil and trick so many by stealing their souls away to hell once they died. Inpregnating a young, engaged virgin girl without her consent with his son, whom which was also himself just to send him here to die in a horrid way for our sins just so humanity could be forgiven and have a shot to get to heaven after death. In fact he sent his son to die us, but was the one who designed the failure of humanity in the first place.
I could go on and on about this topic and the many things wrong with the Christain God.
If there was someone to ask, I HAVE QUESTIONS! Why all the cruelty, for one!
No, I just don't worship. Simply wasn't good enough of a god.
nope. if he exist that means we can see or touch him. which means he can be killed. I think its best he stay in non existence for his sake.
If there is a god I do not understand and find it pointless to voice my opinion unless of course it pisses U off! Do you grock?
Jehovah would be considered a crazed criminal lunatic, so what's to worship?
Nah. No need to worship anything. Any god(s) would just be ordinary folk like you and me. Lets just get on with each other whatever dimension we come from
The problem with the idea of God is the idea of perfection. True perfection from my point of view is an end. The pursuit of perfection is the true idea of value. The Christian God only exists as a reflection of its worshipers wishes whether on the individual level or institutional level. That I feel is a very important distinction. One far too many people in the public realm from politicians to journalists fail at challenging. I do not and would not worship or follow any cruel being. God or not.
I would believe that there is a god where YHWH was based, but, it can't be the one described in bible because the bible contradicts itself and its god. So I would be interested to know what is real or not about YHWH, maybe he is a good shy (in the sense that he hides himself) god distorted by priests and with many false stories in the bible, maybe he is just a guy playing with his virtual sims (us) and seeing how far he can stretch without a rebellion, or other possibilities.
what in hell is with this worship crap, To worship anything reflects that this thing is a deity or some sort of powerful thing that can hurt you.
Worship nothing but realize yourself is god when thinking about the real deal. Do you wish to worship yourself. Think not. Forget deities and there is no worship just mutual respect
Even if it were proven beyond reasonable doubt that God or Gods existed, I would still not acknowledge their authority over me, nor their right to worship, nor their right to deism, because they had and have done nothing to deserve my deference, nor my respect and certainly not my love.
To be honest I would be highly pissed off at them, him, her, it.
Should they by force try to take control I would resist in the same way I would resist any invader of tyrant.
The existence of a deity makes no difference to my atheism, it simply chances from my doubting their existence to my doubting their authority and claims to deity.
If I found out it was real I would instantly be trying to find out what parts of the Bible were right about it and what parts were wrong, as they conflict and contradict and are subect to multiple translation and editorial changes AND dogmatic interpretations to make sense of it all.
SO, whatever was found to be real would demolish the Bible
OR be able to contradict itself, like a circle with corners.
I have as much confidence in this possibility as that of a square circle.
No, to me, it would be comparable to worshipping Hitler, or any other thug in history. It makes you wonder why the devil got such a bad rap and god was worshipped. Which, as everyone should be reminded, god spelled backwards is dog. This is insulting to our beloved pets!
Nope, That god is too mean to be real for me. I do not believe, never shall I and if proven true I worship nothing. Nothing is too be worshipped. WTF
I do not worship my children, I love them but worship, no. so if the big dog came to me and said he was real, I would just say so am I, thank you , now good bye
I would rather die than worship a god like that. But since plenty of people have nothing happen to them if they criticize him, I would get in his face and challenge him to a political debate.