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Eating out alone?

How do you feel about eating out alone? I ate lunch out by myself today. It’s still not something I like to do, but I am getting better with it.

Alliegirl 7 Mar 28

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When I was working and on the road I did it all the time. Gets old.


Eating out alone is my favourite thing. I get to have my own space, I don't need to negotiate about the wine, I get to read my New Yorker in peace, and I get to people watch. I love it.


It is one of the few things that I find disconcerting or boring to do alone


I have gone to restaurants alone for years. Not a big deal. Take a book with you if it makes you feel more comfortable. I've been known to go to the movies alone, too.

Deb57 Level 8 Mar 28, 2018

Me too , though I normally go during the daytime . It's generally safer to go places alone during daylight hours .


Probably once a month


I don't normally go out but sometimes I do. When off island I often go to a fast food fish & chips place that has gluten free items and their salmon sandwich is great. I like to take my time and usually bring something to read. They have gotten to know me and give me extra service. The place is much bigger than it looks and there is ample room to sit and relax. Maybe if I include a link I can get a free sandwich. []


I don't mind, but if I do, I prefer a counter or bar...


I prefer to eat with others but it's not a necessity. I'm going to enjoy myself, regardless.

SamL Level 7 Mar 28, 2018

I do it frequently and don't mind it at all.


My friends are the ones that always bring me out.
Usually twice a week.


Awesome friends.


I felt a little odd the first few times I did it, now I don't think twice about it.
The way I see it, I don't really notice someone who is eating alone and probably no one notices me either.

That’s exactly what I thought yesterday. I was feeling self conscious about being alone and thought to myself that I never pay attention to whether people are alone or not and they’re not paying attention to me. ?


I do it all the time. I have no problem with it.


I eat out whenever I please. Whether it be fast food or an expensive restaurant. I don't take a book . I'm there to enjoy the food. If you have confidence in yourself you can go anywhere. There is just too much in this world to be afraid to get out of your comfort zone.


I like being alone at times, so it is fine with me. I either "people watch" or read....


I have no problem with it. I used to do it all the time when I had social anxiety - a way to get myself out and around people without having to talk to them. I still do it now because I just enjoy it - sometimes if there's no one available, why should I stay home if I feel like going out?


I would much rather have company but if I am alone that does not stop me from enjoying a good meal...and a drink

Nuke Level 5 Mar 29, 2018

Yes...but prefer company


I do it if I am on the road otherwise no. I want to a semi-fancy all you can eat place once full of families and it felt like people were starring at me "look at that fat guy all by himself at an all you can eat place"


I eat out alone occasionally but not by choice. This is usually when I am working away from home. I don't particularly enjoy eating out alone, so when at home I eat at home.


There’s nothing wrong with eating alone. I prefer to stay home and cook anyways


Well being alone after 27 years of marriage is something I am getting used to now.
I travelled solo on my own did backpacking at my age but loved it made a lot of friends.
You tend not worry any more about being alone. Dining is same too but I hardly go out dining
I love cooking but when you are alone is not fun to cook alone.
I hope one day to find my new partner to share things together and travel
Like they say enjoy the journey and experience

Rosh Level 7 Mar 29, 2018

I've been single since 2010 and many years before, and I'm perfectly fine traveling, eating, going to movies by myself, and prefer it. When I do go with friends, though, it can be more fun, although usually more troublesome.

YES oh yes!


I try to go out and eat on my own occasionally. I am getting better about feeling self conscious. Luckily most places I go, I either know the owners and employees or some of the other diners. There's usually a nice view and/or music, and friendly folks to chat with.


I hate it, but have a lot of experience with it. I almost always make sure I'm sitting at the bar. Which means I'm also drinking. And probably staring at my phone.


I eat out alone quite often but it is nice to have someone there.

? ?

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