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How Democracy Died in America. There's hope.

In polls, 75% of American people wanted to see actual evidence, witnesses and documents in this impeachment trial, in order to make an informed decision of culpability of a corrupt president and regime.

This is an important and horrifying decision by the Senate that influences the entire world.

There's hope. This is temporary.

Vote Republicans out of office!

LiterateHiker 9 Feb 1

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US Senate: Self-Impeaching and found guilty on both counts of gross abuse of power and obstruction of justice.


Both Republocrats and Rethuglicans are united behind the President and his illegal wars BORROWED FOR by all since ReaGUN 22 trillions worth of illegal wars in 160 countries since 1982....the impeachment circus was just LIAR Lions jumping through hoops of fire all meaningless


I'm inclined to say fuck hope because this country's finished. Corruption is out in the open and our elected leaders at the highest levels of government now place their personal and political interests over democracy and the, rule of law.

Trump wipes his ass with the Constitution all the time and the Repubs tell him, "It's okay, Don, we got you covered." King Donald anyone?

The Divine Right of Kings along with destruction of the 1st Amendment is what the Evangelical Party wants. And yes corruption is out in the open and in our faces. And it has been since WAY Before The Donald.


Totally this is a great injustic to all the American People,the republicans are not acting the way the senate was meant to be ,it is self and party interest only ,dam the american people , so sad vote them out ,yes,,get them all out and the first thing the democrates should do if in is turn around every piece of negative legislation or presidential orders that were done,,now that would be a great day for america, and maybe give trump a personal residence in antartica with no internet service

trump needs to hang for being the traitor he is.

@Redheadedgammy Right along with every republican who has supported him.


If any body but Bernie gets in then you will just have more of the same no matter if it is the Republicans or Democrats.


Bernie will lose. He's running as a socialist.

Elizabeth Warren is a much better presidential candidate. She says:

"We’re building a grassroots movement to fight corruption head on and put power in the hands of the people."

@LiterateHiker SuperTuesday is many Southern primaries PLUS CALIFORNIA in March matter who claims victory in Iowa in low 30's or high 20% the scramble is for 41 delegates 30 ish from N Hampshire 9 days 10 nights from now....460+ delegates from California will likely pry "super delegates" out to endorse the frontrunner by then....hatred of socialism is hatred of FDR and JFK who still define loyal Democrats goals....most states are winner take all primaries....only 3 states allow ELECTORS at Congressional District level....Obama got one from Omaha and TrumpOLINI one from Maine....AZ has been solid red but might surprise ELECTORAL COLLEGE predictions next December when counted November when contested

@LiterateHiker UFCW local 21 in Spokane 46 thousand plus ++ members just endorsed Bernie and @ Albertsons if you agree

@LiterateHiker I can see the toads coming out of her mouth.


I thought this was a thoughtful writing, by Clay Jenkinson - a humanities professor in North Dakota.

Four things happened on the last day of January 2020.

  1. We crossed the Rubicon - The United States was envisioned as a republic. In a republic, the protection the people have against tyranny is our system of checks and balances. The judiciary checks the legislative branch when it passes unconstitutional laws. The executive has the power to veto Congressional legislation, but the legislative branch can over-ride that veto with a super-majority. When the President overreaches in a fundamentally dangerous way, Congress and the courts can check his or her will to power. On January 31, 2020, the Senate of the United States abdicated its Constitutional responsibility to conduct a thorough trial after the House of Representatives sent a bill of impeachment against a sitting President. The President's attorneys argued that what he did, if he did it, does not rise to the level of impeachment; that there is virtually no act that this President could commit that would deserve impeachment; that the President has essentially unlimited authority to behave in any way he wishes, including pressuring foreign governments to announce an investigation against his principal political rival. In this situation, Congress was the people's last guardrail against Presidential excess, and the Senate decided to kick down that guardrail. In doing so, the US Senate greatly diminished its constitutional authority. We now have what amounts to an elective monarchy in the United States. Tennessee's Lamar Alexander at least had the honesty to acknowledge that what the President did was irresponsible, unacceptable, and a violation of the trust we put in our chief executives. The Senate has now signaled to this President that if he uses other nefarious maneuvers to win re-election in November 2020, he will not be held responsible by the primary branch of the US government, the Congress.

We have crossed a Rubicon. The tragedy is that tens of millions of American people either don't know what just happened to the very foundation of our republic, or they don't care because they are caught up in the cult of this darkly charismatic individual. Or perhaps just the Super Bowl.

It may sound over-dramatic to say that January 31, 2020, marked the death of the American republic, but as a scholar of Thomas Jefferson and the Constitution I believe that is precisely what has happened. We will, of course, continue to be a rich and powerful nation. The Walmarts will continue to be full. The gas pumps will continue to deliver fuel. The Kardashians will continue to entertain us. But the republic, as republic, is now dead.

R.I.P. American Republic.

  1. On the question of the impeachment trial alone, the allegation was that the President pressured a foreign government to announce an investigation of his chief rival, by withholding desperately needed military aid to a nation that has been invaded by Russia. The President's attorneys argued countless times that no evidence links the President directly to the shakedown scheme. When a material witness of unimpeachable integrity--a uncompromising lifelong Republican partisan and insider--came forward to announce that he had direct evidence of the President's complicity based on actual and unambiguous conversations he had with that President--the Senate voted not to hear what he had to say under oath. In what sense can this be called a thorough or fair trial when the United States Senate refused to listen to someone who could speak directly to the validity of the charges leveled at the President? It defies all logic, violates the fundamental principles of jurisprudence, and ensures that no rational observer can ever conclude that the President has actually been exonerated. He has been protected by a slim majority in the Senate, but he has not been exonerated, because the most material witness in the whole affair was not permitted to tell his story under oath. When the history of this sad episode is written, there will always be a ring of illegitimacy and even Senate coverup in the Impeachment of Donald Trump. Put it another way: if the President is innocent, what does his administrative have to fear from a material eyewitness?

  2. Trump supporters will celebrate his acquittal, but they are also unknowingly celebrating the death of Constitutional restraint, due process, accountability, Congressional oversight, checks and balances, the separation of powers doctrine, and the guardrails and backstop of the US Constitution. This story is no longer about Donald Trump, who will leave office at some point. But the damage done to the Constitution and the Idea of a Republic will outlast this and many future Presidents, perhaps all of them. Will it have been worth it to protect this one individual, this President who can serve no more than eight years at most, at the expense of the foundational principles of American life established in 1787 and preserved as inviolable for 233 years? The principal result of this impeachment episode is to render the Constitution's impeachment clause a nullity, which means that future Presidents will be able to violate their oaths with impunity.

  3. The conclusion of the Trump impeachment drama is also the final death of Thomas Jefferson's vision of America: that in a republic the people are sovereign; that the people guard their liberties, rights, and prerogatives with stern vigilance; that they restrain and rebuke their President whenever he breaks faith with the people and exceeds his authority as outlined in Article II of the Constitution; that they err on the side of liberty rather than power. Jefferson believed that the people of the United States would be sufficiently well-educated and well-informed to know what was at stake in the way their government acted and that they would vindicate his belief in their civic understanding in times of political and constitutional crisis. If in this situation the American people stepped back to analyze what it means for the US Senate to curtail an impeachment trial before all the material facts were brought to light--particularly when the most material witness is denied his opportunity to clarify the very allegation at the heart of the impeachment--they would see that they have crossed a Rubicon, in this case an apparently invisible Rubicon, from which it will be exceedingly difficult to return to due process, checks and balances, and constitutional order. In his famous Kentucky Resolutions (1798) Jefferson wrote, "In questions of power, then, let no more be said of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution." We have failed to bind President Trump "down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution."

Jefferson thought we were up to it. If he could see what we have done, I believe he would say one of two things: either that Adams was right and we are not really up to the grave challenge of protecting our rights and liberties; or that we must double and then double again civics education, so that the people understand what a dangerous threshold we have now crossed, perhaps forever.

I repeat: this crisis is no longer about Donald Trump. Whatever you think about Mr. Trump is now immaterial, because what has been on trial is the capacity of a republic to self-correct before it is too late. In a strange and ironic sense, Donald Trump is now the least of our worries.

When historians look back at the decline and fall of the American republic, Friday, January 31, 2020, will now inevitably be one of the most significant, if not the most significant dates.

I know that what I have written here will be regarded by Mr. Trump's partisans as an attack on the President they revere. That will only prove that they do not see what is actually at stake here.

The die has been cast.

Clay Jenkinson

Amazing writing, thank you for sharing!

If you liked this, I’d encourage you to listen to his weekly radio show/podcast - The Thomas Jefferson Hour.

@Haemish1 Oooh, found it, thanks. And this is why I have supported NPR for years 😉.


Excellent....let's give the Dems a chance to fix the country


Maybe some won't be thrown out as they should, but those so called moderate who blab too much and at the end do nothing, those cowards should definitely be punished. Hope all are, but with the gerrymandered states, it will be tough.


I wish I had your optimism.
I feel like whatever happens in November may not even matter.


Democracy is dead only in the USA? I think everywhere around the world. Although I agree that the Trump impeachment process has been corrupted, as expected!!!

Of course it is not.

@Jolanta, it's the big capital ruling the world. Unfortunately.


Focus on defeating Moscow Mitch and gain a majority of Democrats in the Senate. Keep the majority in the House. And Dump Trump by getting the vote out.

Mcgrath needs donations in Kentucky

@twill I donated. 💰


We are turning into an oligarchy. Despicable.

You have been an oligarchy for years you have only just noticed it.

We are there already, the plutocrats have taken over.


You think Shitler is going to allow himself to be voted off his throne? You think there won't be MAJOR IRREGULARITIES in November? You think Shitler will leave even if he's voted out?

Only time can answer that.

Shillary tried the same crimes but 31 states elected TrumpOLINI

@BitFlipper 50 thousand murdered Libyan women and children 2011 by 117 USA submarine launched cruise missiles are her claim to toughness to be President and you sir are hopelessly delusional to pretend my truth telling about this evil war criminal Hillary Rodham Clinton is an "infection" ???? What does it take to wake up idiotic supporters of USA illegal wars in 160 countries?? The United Nations report on Libya 2011 cannot be forgotten nor branded "infected"


This will be examined and recorded historically as a staggering blow by corporate power. Corporations have had governments around the world on the ropes for some time but this one was a powerful body blow. Citizens United and its seemingly endless fount of (oxymoron alert) legal graft have nearly completely corrupted the Republican party. Donors receive the deregulation, and judiciary they desire while mesmerizing swaths of confused and programmed masses into becoming true believers. The megalomania of the billionaire right have found the demagoguery of Trump and the ensuing sycophancy engendered by the kneed to bow to the thrall to stay on a political track that has been planned for years is a disturbing byproduct of this emerging misinformation age. The desire to have more, feel superior and or entitled is nothing new to America but there is a new callous character that will damage the credibility of American Administrations for years to come if there is not an extremely powerful populist movement that can hold bad actors accountable, overturn Citizens United and bring the American politiy back into real world so we can focus on evolving socially, economically and politically in a way that can create global stability and ensure the viability of the biosphere towards the ability to sustain life.

Finally another truth telling Atheist....welcome to the tiny club here pal


The Senate GOP are taking their cues from the GRU. The red states are Russian Red. The US is gone; nobody is really ready to admit it yet. It actually disappeared in 1947 with Truman's National Security Act that replaced the US with the Deep State.

When this gets sorted out, we're going to have to figure out how to certify citizens for their psychological fitness to participate in voting. Hey, it was never democratic in the first place.

It was an OK dream while it lasted.


What does "GRU" stand for? I speak English, not Acronym.

Please spell out words.

@LiterateHiker I am not sure why he believes the GRU is behind this, but that is the Russian military intelligence agency.


No potential nominee is perfect for all. After Bernie lost out to Hillary many people didn't vote. As I see it we can either vote tRump out or vote for a majority of Senators. In the end the effect will be the same. So far democrats are taking over in several republican areas. As you know, in our state both houses are Democrat and the republicans have become persona non grata. There's always more than one way to skin a rat (I am a cat lover).

  1. President Trump will, unfortunately or otherwise, be reelected.
  2. The precedent that this failed impeachment exercise has set will haunt us for the foreseeable future in that every president will face impeachment regardless if justified or not.

Your opinion is noted.


Unfortunately, is is postulated that this will actually inspire authoritarian and dictatorial leaders around the globe to follow Trump's example. I.E. to solicit outside assistance in gathering dirt on their political opponents, inventing conspiracies to cover it up, and to claim their right by the insistence that they are justified because their intent was in the best interest of their country (The Derschowitz Doctrine).

It will also serve to widen trust gap between us and our allies as they percieve a leadership in this country that has no limitations or constraints.


Unfortunately, the DNC actively opposes any credible nominee for president. The voters will continue to choose DJT as the lesser evil.


a stunning turn of events from the party that wraps itself inthe flag all the time

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