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What! You would deny all those deserving corporations billions of dollars in profits? ... and think of all the unfortunate insurance salesmen, who would become unemployed!!
And how can America find jobs for yet another 68,000 people every year - especially when America's wonderful corporations , like Apple, are already valiantly supporting the struggle against unemployment in Asia.


The insane profits that are the result of our current system disgust me. Those corporations are not going to give those dollars up without a huge fight.

MizJ Level 8 Feb 16, 2020

Just like Bernie has been saying

Why does Bernie keep taking credit for an idea that was introduced by representative John Conyers in 2003?

@BitFlipper oh, puleeze, you can see Bernie talking about universal healthcare on YouTube 20 years ago...your willful ignotance/blindness is Appalling!

@BitFlipper It was introduced, successfully, by the British Labour party, in 1950. I think you mean "suggested copying the British idea".

@Petter that might be, certainly not by Conyers in 2003! I apologize for my insular-ness!

@AnneWimsey No offence taken. It's my pedantic nature holding forth!

@AnneWimsey Do you have a link for that?

@BitFlipper I told you, go to Youtube... search "Bernie Sanders Medicare plans"....only about 2 dozen speeches,bills presented, etc etc etc. Conyers my ass!

@AnneWimsey []

This is one of the problems with worshipping a politician.

@BitFlipper that was One Bill offered Years after are just not going to bother with any Facts, are you, or going to YouTube, even when Several people on here are pointing out that you are being willfully obtuse. You do know remaining ignorant only hurts You, and is Quite trump-like, right?

@AnneWimsey YouTube is where I learned about UFO tunnels under Arizona, and pedophile camps on Mars. YouTube is loaded with unsourced bullshit.

You should have the link to that YouTube video at your fingertips. Just post it here.

@AnneWimsey what you call "willfully obtuse", I call "rigorous and fact-based".

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