There is so much division these days by religion, sex, race, and many more so I would like to know what brings us together.
The love and respect for donuts. It may be our only hope.
It is , our only hope but if you touch that chocolate donut, there will be war.
Mmmmmm donuts.
@Paul4747 Ok Homer....
@realneal54 Most men have an inner Homer Simpson running inside them. Most of the time we can suppress him, but occasionally he shows up.
opposing ? thumbs
You will never believe it but I know somebody who doesn't! No joke!
We all fart !!!
I once rushed into an elevator just before the doors closed. There were two other people in the elevator as it ascended, a man and woman who were strangers. I noticed a foul smell, someone had farted. Interestingly, the woman looked accusingly at both of us. The other man looked at me and I know it wasn't me and I think it wasn't him. However, the accusing look of the woman made me wonder if she was hermetically sealed and thus could not ventilate gas.
@Donotbelieve and from my experience women's are the worst
I will never forget... The church farting lady.
When I was about 12, we started going to the new half subterranean church in my neighborhood. The pews had not yet come in, so we were sitting on metal folding chairs in the octagon-shaped main inner sanctum. The walls were freshly plastered and bare of any decorations or echo buffering...there were lots of echoes! You could hear 2 echoes in some spots of the church. A couple rows in front of us a really fat woman, it was by the grace of God that the chair held up. Part way into the sermon there erupted what sounded like loud but muffled machinegun fire! It echoed into a cacophony off the walls. Everything went silent for a second....then us kids started laughing. The poor woman excused herself and left. All us kids hot our asses beat!
I would say we have a basic set of "human" needs, whether atheist, religious, civilised or primitive tribal. We can all live differently, but we all have the same needs, these needs are just met in different ways in different cultures. We don't "need" television, we have a need for leisure, we don't "need" smashed avacado and turmeris lattes, but we need food and drink, don't need a mansion, but need shelter. Then we just get greedy.
Well, most of us have two ears, two eyes, a nose and a mouth, two arms and two legs and there are the obvious but complementary differences between male and female anatomy. We all have the same basic needs for water, food and shelter and beyond that the sheer diversity of human activities and beliefs are apparent.
Some people crave a sense of belonging, hence, the popularity of religions and various cults. Then there are those in whom the desire to understand is greater than the desire to belong. I doubt that reason alone will bridge the gap between those who want to belong and those who want to understand. Only toleration for differences in one another and acceptance of each other’s position without attempting to impose our views on another may be the way forward in terms of recognising and respecting our common humanity.
Breathe, eat, defecate after that you are on your own!
There is a game that used to be played in personal growth circles where you have a large number of people and call out somethign like 'who is a paren't' come this way and 'who isnt go the other way ' so you divide into groups according to the separating categories and then each group divides again until you are all standing, singly, separately, and then the queston is" what would bring us all back together?" I loved it because it was so good to see the group movement .And the intimate togetherness was apparent even before the groups examination of itself.
I think what he have in common is our humanity - when we see someone in danger often your own life chances are risked in order to save them - something kicks in - you don't stand idly by.
I think empathy brings us together. What sets us apart is what we have been taught. What is right and what is wrong. We have been taught to judge each other, possibly by a standard that is higher than any of us could achieve.
When we can see from another's perspective we begin to understand. It seems that the controling powers want to keep us in a state of fear and divison? In an easier place we would know that we are all one, that what hurts another being also hurts us. Kindness will bring us closer together. Look into the eyes of another being with the intent of really seeing who is inside.