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LINK R.E.M. - It's The End Of The World (Official Video) - YouTube

This song popped into my head this morning. My office has been considering what it will take to have us work from home, which I don't want to do ever. At work I have a desktop, two screens, hands free headsets, and a standing desk. At home I would have a laptop and seems like I will have to use my cellphone. Cellphone feeds to my hearing aids so that is hands free but NO, not a good idea. My phone is not for work. Many activities are being canceled or changed to video conference/webx. Oy, we live in interesting times.

HippieChick58 9 Mar 11

Enjoy being online again!

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Think of how paranoid the bosses will become projecting their expectations for themselves onto you, "She is not doing enough work."


Has there been any reports of COVID-19 in your area? If they are just trying to plan ahead IN CASE there is an out break there planning ahead is good. Otherwise it does sound as tho at home - unless you can take the office equipment home on loan - sounds bleak. At Christmas I took advantage of a sale on desk top risers so I can stand at my home computer. I am retired, do not have TV, cable or a smart phone. Just the internet it is so much nicer to stand (I can do standing all day). I would ask about taking some work equipment home if you end up having to work at home.

Not yet, but with a 2-week incubation period I'm confident it's here.

Actually, University of Nebraska Med Center has a containment unit not too far from Omaha for quarantine cases. There were Ebola patient there a few years ago. We have some patients there now, I think they were from a cruise ship. The Med Center is right here in Omaha. I don't have a land line at home, and my computer is not real powerful. I don't know how this is going to play out. I do have a standing desk at work, and two monitors.


One of my favs by R.E.M..


But think of the paper, fuel, time etc. the world is saving!

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