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QUESTION Does anyone else on this site seriously think about, or actually does, live full-time in a RV, camper van or bus?

Initially the tiny house concept and minimalism appealed to me, but then I started seeing this Youtubers that live full time in vans, RVs, buses, and boats then I thought that is better yet because it is a tiny house on wheels (or on water, but dry land is more my scene) and you can see the country or the world for less than what you are probably paying to live in a house or an apartment. Here are some sites and channels to check out:

[] (this is site is mostly about school bus conversions which I'm keen on after seeing the prices of RV's and campervans)
[] - this is a cute couple that quit their day jobs and sold their house to live full time in a camper van.
[] - this photogenic couple did the RV thing for a while and now are living on a sailboat.
[] - this couple has both a converted vintage bus, as well as, a mortorboat that they split there time between. They make a living blogging about mobile internet access.
[] Bus Life NZ is about a family of four that live in a converted bus down under.

There are many many more YouTube channels and blogs.

I would like to do this in retirement at least, but sooner if I can think of a way to earn living on the road.

Graynotgrey 5 Mar 31

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I wouldn't mind a 5th wheel or a small house (not like tiny houses of everything in 200 square feet but like a small actual house) I'm one person who doesn't need all that much room, but I would like to OWN and never rent again


my friend and i wanted to buy and convert a bus to veggie fuel and drive it across country exploring. its still lurking in the back of my mind but other things have come into my focus. ive watched tons of videos and its possible to work remotely online and also remain covert while parking in a city, also showering at gyms using wifi at coffee shops etc. its a really awesome idea but gotta be devoted, they also say every few months take a month break living in a apartment or house so you don't end up hating it.


I would love to live in my camper full time.


A houseboat would be more my thing.

I can see me doing that too. Living in a houseboat.

So I thought once, then I tried it. You can't just get up and go for a walk, it is amazing how constricting that is.


I've often thought about it, but would probably like living on a boat more.


I live in a 30 ft 5th wheel yr round. I've been in it for 3 1/2 yrs. I have elec, running water, gas heat, n sewer. Works for me. I live nxt to a small lake. Step out n catch a catfish anytime I please, tho I'm no ice fisherman. Every season offers it's own beauty.

GaryN Level 2 Apr 1, 2018

I went full time in my motor coach about a year ago. It's nice, but would be nicer with a travel companion. Did it so I could spend summers in MN and see my adult son more. Currently in FL for the winter.


Spent a year in a Toyota RV traveling around with the pup. Enjoyed it, just played a lot of street music and met lots of great people. My least favorite part was worrying about finances, my second pet peeve was always feeling like if I kept it parked anywhere too long the cops would show up and harass me. Existing outside of being a cog in the machine is a serious offense in America. It was fun overall if not at times a little exhausting. Got off the road and spent a few years working on my labor skills, finishing up a degree to work on wind turbines and am in the middle of converting a school bus right now. I plan on living in it full time when I find the right home-base for it. I'm older and give a shit way less about what anyone else might think about my existence, I have a better skill set and there is more access to temporary work now so I have good expectations for this time around.
If you have an itch to do it, it will never be satisfied until you at least try it.


I don't need a lot of space, but I'm not interested in living in a van/trailer/RV or driving around for the rest of my days. (I rather dislike driving, so that's not an insubstantial part of my rationale.) I'd be far happier living in a secluded shack in the woods, enjoying the wildlife and foliage each day.


I live in a 5th wheel RV, in NM. I am in the process of selling my condo here in Ga. I lived for 2 years in an adult RV park in Deming, NM. Many people live there full time and others stop off, as they travel to other places! It is very reasonable! There are many RV parks in Deming and lots of retired people live in them! I got so accustomed to the small space with everything at my fingertips, that I do plan to build a tiny house on property that I purchased, there!


The only problem I’d have is I can’t stop buying books. It’s a psychological issue.

You will be sorry, should you decide to move from even a big house! Several hundred books are sitting here, waiting to find a home! Can't move them!

And, giving them up has been PAINFUL!


I'm thinking about it. I do work helping out with natural disasters and I don't like sleeping on a cot in a gym with 50 other people.

They have all size RVs and Wal-Mart allows people to park free in their parking lots. Probably, other places, too!

I've often thought about getting into something like this, I have a lot of experience with building, first aid/cpr certified and also a Toyota RV that is pretty good on gas. If you don't mind me asking, how does one go about getting involved?


I can definitely understand the appeal, but I would eventually want to return to a permanent roosting place.

Deb57 Level 8 Mar 31, 2018

Not me, but I have several friends that do! Once our kids leave home we would like to build a tiny house. (It's a good way of making sure they just visit when they come home. Kidding, but seriously. Lol.)


Thank you for sharing these...this has been my passion for a while now.


No. I grew up in a small trailer and have no desire to repeat the experience. Plus, gas would be prohibitively expensive.

marga Level 7 Apr 1, 2018

I'm in a 2 bedroom mobile home that will no longer be mobile. It is 16 foot wide and my master bedroom is pretty large. I'm set up in a small town on a half acre lot. In the end I have the cheapest mortgage of anyone I have ever known. That will most likely keep me here the rest of my life unless some rich woman takes me away.


I recently retired and was planning a trip in a small camper I was going to build, in the meantime Had put somewhat of a temporary camper on the truck and was sleeping in it most of the time, but due to an unfortunate accident I lost the campe to a fire and spent 2 weeks in the burn centered in Bakersfield... healing now and not deterred by the disastrous event , I was invited to my aunt and uncles house to recover after I was released from the hospital trauma unit... well uncle Leo has a fully equipped woodshop so as soon as I was able I started this new camper/living space.... it’s all cedar.... and will have strict open flame and cooking rules......

I love your Gypsy wagon.


Maybe one day....


Plasterer on the road living in a bus []


[] Bus Life Australia is a family of 4 living in a converted bus fulltime


I camped out in a Class A RV in Florida for several months during the Spring and Summer in a commercial park. Circumstances brought me back to my small home in upstate NY and the vehicle is history. I never drove it on the road, though I have driven and camped out in suburbans and conversion vans and one small converted school bus that belonged to a friend.
For a while I toyed with the idea of getting a nice conversation van and becoming a minstrel/Bible thumper to pay my travel expenses (I didn't want to give up my home to travel, my pension is modest.)
Living off grid in a vehicle is romantic, but you need money to do it. Campsites with amenities aren't always cheap. (If they are, there is a reason.) I would not travel with animals again, if you want a big bed and a long, hot shower, they are a liability. Doubly so if your vehicle needs overnight repairs.
All that said, I would still like to try it again. Not as a permanent lifestyle, but for a couple years depending on circumstances. I'm old enough to know shit happens, but so do strange and wonderful things.


I just recently moved into a 5th wheel in a senior snowbird park in the desert.. I had thought seriously about living in a stealth van or mini motorhome after following Cheap RV living videos on YouTube. I tried sleeping a few nights in my van at a campground, at Wal-Mart and at a rest area. I didn't care for it at all. Too ungrounded, noisy and a bit scary. Plus I like having Wi-Fi and a bathroom. At my park we can rent a space year round or a minimum of 7 months. I will stay 8 months and travel 4 months. Trailers can be left in the space for 45 bucks a month. It is a great park at desert edge. I am hoping to meet someone with a rig to do some traveling with. If anyone wants to discuss RV living message me.


Video doesn't work here.

I was trying to link to a YouTube channel page, but the forum software automatically tries to embed a video when it see's a link from YouTube. I edited the post and replaced the link with a link to their website.


I would do it in a heartbeat. Ive thought about converting one of those mini-buses.

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