That is another 1,800 candidates for a Darwin Award, along with all their friends and family.
That's okay BUT it's the children of the families that I feel sorry for.
As of last Sunday, Louisiana had the fastest growth rate in new coronavirus cases of anyplace in the entire world. If a lot of stuff like this is going on, it's no wonder.
Sounds like they are ready to sing that old hymn, Nearer My God To Thee. Suckers....
Idiots there
Stupid is as stupid does. They are putting their lives in the hands of their non-existent god.
@anglophone All true, but they are also putting untold numbers of others at risk as well.
@KKGator Yes, and that their culpable stupidity puts other people at such risk makes me angry.
Great, many will die
Will they, though?
And regardless of differences in views, is it really okay to say it's great for people to die?
Is that what were doing here?
@BryanLV if they are that stupid as to congregate in the midst of a pandemic, evolution and the law of probability will take care of the weakest links, regardless of what I say or do or you say or do or wish. So spare me your holier than thou attitude.
@BryanLV Wow, brilliant and very original retort. Amazing!
@BryanLV sarcasm is a bitch.
Maybe we should cordon off all the churches. Our governor has stated no assemblies even for religious purposes. These religious fanatics are trying to kill us all.
In Australia we now have restrictions on Funerals and Weddings, ONLY 10 Mourners are permitted at a Funeral and ONLY 5 at any Wedding.
Hey, the great news is, the Dunny Paper ( toilet paper) hoarding stampede has come to a halt, hotels, Night Clubs are closed down, restaurants can ONLY sell Take Away foods now, Sports Events are closed to the public or shut down completely as are ALL Churches, etc.
The Uk has gone further. NO religious services except funerals. Most fast food outlets have stopped even take-aways. McDonald's, Subway, etc.
I'm not surprised. Religious people aren't known for the critical thinking skills.
YAY! Let them gather and pray to their Holy Moly in the Sky. Just remember to use your head and keep the fuck away from them, nasty cretins the lot.
But did they die?
Give 'em time the virus will do as it will but sadly there are possibly many of us Heathens and Heretics may just succumb as well, though I most sincerely hope not.
@BryanLV Have actualy seen the Covid 19 Death Toll world-wide lately?
@BryanLV So, what you are saying is that "more than 95% of people get flu like syptoms or less," is that correct?
So what happens to the remaining 4-5% of those who contract Covid 19, do they just simple disappear into thin air or something?
Wake up and smell reality, Covid 19 IS killing people.
@BryanLV As at 12.00 noon on the 25th. of March, 2020 the W.H.O. ( World Health Organisation) reports that there have been 19,024 REPORTED Fatalities caused by Covid 19 across the world and the Fatality rate is STILL rising.
Are you enlightened as yet BryanLV?
@Triphid 12,000 people in the us have died from influenza between Oct. 1, 2019 through Feb. 1, 2020, and the number of deaths may be as high as 30,000.
The CDC also estimates that up to 31 million Americans have caught the flu this season, with 210,000 to 370,000 flu sufferers hospitalized because of the virus.
Globally, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the flu kills 290,000 to 650,000 people per year.
Please. Do tell me more.
@BryanLV Yes the ordinary, for lack of a better term/phrase, kills hundreds of thousands every year BUT Covid 19 is NOT an ordinary mutation of Influenza is it?
Yes, Bryan, all of them died when they got home. Every single one.
There, a stupid answer to a monumentally stupid question.
My son lives in Louisiana with his grandfather who is on chemo for throat cancer. Ugh thankfully I raised a smart kid, which he pointed out with a rendition of “I know mom/I’m already doing that”
Stupid is as stupid does!
I am going to steal that one.
@anglophone Be my guest, don't forget to thank Forest Gump.
Just so you know, behind NY is Louisiana, they are in the bloom now. Fat Tuesday did not help . . .
"Pastor Tony Spell says the way to handle a pandemic is through the healing hand of Jesus.
That is our command, they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.
Social distancing did not happen at the service, held outside."
Darwin Award Nominee. . . .