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Coronavirus claims an unexpected victim: Florida vegetables

Thousands of acres of fruits and vegetables grown in Florida are being plowed over or left to rot because farmers can't sell to restaurants, theme parks or schools nationwide that have closed because of the coronavirus.

Other states are having the same issues — agriculture officials say leafy greens in California are being hit especially hard, and dairy farmers in Vermont and Wisconsin say they have had to dump a surplus of milk intended for restaurants.


LiterateHiker 9 Apr 9

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Have an excess Milk problem in Ontario also


i guess its too early to tell ppl to just keep calm and get infected, unless they are immune-compromised, huh?

... and, I suppose, you wouldn't mind becoming infected? Especially since completely healthy, non-old people have also died.

@Petter wadr imo that is bc we feed our kids shit, and their immunities are quite often in the toilet too. So "completely healthy" is pretty subjective i guess? I dunno, but in that vein i have heard that like 85%+ of those who show moderate to severe symptoms are also exhibiting other existing infections? Um...Aspen Daily News, "c-19 testing," todays i think it was

@Petter really, it isnt that hard to bring up your immunity though, most of the time. We just had a 103 year old recover from c19 here


What puzzles me is that restaurants may have closed, but their clientele have not magically disappeared, other than the unfortunate 15,000 who have died in the US.
Therefore, the demand still must exist.
Maybe the blame lies with the farmers themselves for being too complacent about their distributors.

I'm a farmer. I'm betting that those plowing and dumping are enrolled, as I am, in the govt farm bill. If so that means the govt, essentially, owns the crops we produce. And they dictate what happens. This is 'if' the farmers are enrolled. Either way it's a sad statement of the way we farm.

@farmboy2017 Sounds a bit like the EU's Common Agricultural Policy, another sad indictment.


Um WTF people are still going to eat just as much... And what about the homeless populations. Seems like with some coordination we could be putting this food to use..

MsAl Level 8 Apr 9, 2020

Farmers are dumping milk intended for the catering trade in the UK too, and yet there has been a shortage in the shops, because people are buying their milk there now. It is said that it is just too hard to change the supply chains quickly.

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