55 6

Do you like country living? For those that do, did, ? Or want to

I love living in the country. I like the solitude and feeling closer to nature. Closeness to a bigger city is important for good medical care and entertainment. Best of both worlds.

tymtravler 6 Apr 1

Enjoy being online again!

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I prefer to live on the edge of a city of about 100,000. Traffic isn't too bad, but you get all the kids activities, medical care, etc of a larger city.

BD66 Level 8 Apr 1, 2018

I agree with you 100%!!


I never lived in the country. I really can't say. I do like urban amenities. But I like to hear the barred owls hoot too.


I'm in the burbs, the far edge of the city, for the moment. The city is encroaching. I am 15 to 20 minutes from work with all the city amenities nearby. I'd like to be more rural, but living alone and working full time I don't see that happening. I have a small garden, and mostly ignore the HOA.


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