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The China Virus? Well, what about the Spanish Flu?

"While it’s unlikely that the “Spanish Flu” originated in Spain, scientists are still unsure of its source. France, China and Britain have all been suggested as the potential birthplace of the virus, as has the United States, where the first known case was reported at a military base in Kansas on March 11, 1918"

So, it was the American Flu of 1918, maybe.

All this invective against China is so pointless. Exactly how these flus and viruses come about is a matter of great debate. You'd think we'd be above this kind of thing in this day and age.

David1955 8 Apr 17

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Spanish Flu is so called because it was first identified in Spain, not because it came from there. It started during/just after, depends on what you call start, WW1, and since Spain was neutral its medical services were among the few not preoccupied with the war, therefore they were the first to spot the disease.


We were, the Orangeidiot had to throw in some racism & xenophobia becuz things weren't bad enough!


I suggest you watch this (posted earlier), Osterholm PREDICTED China (Wuhan ? ) in his 2017 book :

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