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Why in the world would you ever be here long enough to actually reach Level 10 1,000,000 Points? This points thing seems a bit odd.

Michael0987654 5 Apr 22

Enjoy being online again!

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It is a lifetime and lifestyle goal!!!

If one might live that long!!!


None of anyone else's business. WE can all do what we like. million points, million cheetoes, million kisses, doesn't matter. As long as it is not against the law, or if it is we are not caught...that can put a damper on things.
Not here for points btw.. just here for chat, meeting people and learning about things. If we were getting cookies or money, then that might change what level I would be on. There might be a lot more empty worthless discussions in here.


I like the "points" system. It rewards the investment each of us makes in the community.


I think I might be getting close to #9, but never check...I enjoy the quality of thought as opposed to, say, FB on here, and enjoy snark-izing trolls, too. Wait, this seems troll-ish........

@ToolGuy huh........

@AnneWimsey Yup you're a 9! Congratulations! 🎂🍦🎆🎉🎏🌺🌈🦄🎈🎇🤘

@ToolGuy I gotta pay more attention!

@AnneWimsey It looks like you’ve been level 9 for a while. I guess you didn’t get your big check! 😂

@Apunzelle you know I might have been thinking of Level 10.......nevermind!


As I mentioned below, whether we come here for dating or seeking like-minded friends, we stay for community. It’s so nice having people who think like us to chat with.


I'm here for the dancing girls level 10

bobwjr Level 10 Apr 22, 2020

Not a Tesla then? 😁

@RavenCT or that


To hang out with the friends you've made and community you helped build perhaps?

I could be wrong maybe I'm just here for the chocolate.


A million points? I'm level 7 with about 10,000 points and that took me 2 1/2 years. So, it will take me another 250 years to get a million points.

So in 2 1/2 years how has this site worked out for you? I'm guessing since you're still here not as well as you had hoped. 🙂 But really have you found it worthwhile?

@Michael0987654 I’ve been on 9 months and am a few points shy of level 7. It comes down to how active you are on the site. I guess I’m on here a lot. 😃

PS - Even if people start on here for dating, they stay for community. Which is probably why @Charles1971 (and many others) is still here.

@Apunzelle That's very good insight. Thanks. I've noticed that this is different then most dating sites that I used to frequent 10 years ago. Thanks again

@Michael0987654 As Apunzelle suggested, I mostly come here for the community (and to alleviate boredom). I had originally thought this was more of a dating site but quickly learned otherwise.

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