Does anyone miss doing particular hobbies during their leisure before the fuckery started
I miss walking on the rails to trails and taking pictures. I usually would be going most days. Their are great trails in the area I work. Occasionally,I will walk with clients and get them out of their house.
@gigihein I miss gym and also my Saturday morning parkrun with my son. I also haven't been able to join our Secular get-togethers over lunch or coffee or outdoorsy meet-ups.
...well its been cancelled during lockdown.
Karaoke & stand-up comedy!
@Blackatheist1985 Will check that out, he's a hoot.I have only seen hi. on YouTube . Have a short attention span.
I liked sticks and stones.
I have taken-up a new 'hobby' -- learning the piano, started with Major scales.
. . . almost got Hey Jude (not-yet the fade-out coda) down -- from a YT lesson.
I can't call sex a hobby. It's more of an aspiration.
There's a woman that I had taken out to dinner several times, and might have resulted in some exchange of affections by now.
I can relate.
besides physically socializing and having a life?...If you're single and was about to date, there is no fuckery going around. If you are married or in a relationship and are around each other with kids 24/7 no money and lots of bills...there still might be no fuckery going. and if you're just dating and in the honeymoon stage..home together 24/7 no job/no probably have a 50/50 chance.LOL