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Always glad to not waste money.

MissKathleen 9 Apr 25

Enjoy being online again!

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Lol, that's true. I'm also that skeptical about these apps and services, which 'help you earn money, but you have to pay to register, lol. Sounds strange. Firstly pay to earn. But I decided to try the ynab budget app because their free trial is 34 days, and I realized I could delete it if it was not useful and wasted no money. But I never had to delete it, because this program is really helpful. So if you don't know how to save and pay your debts., I suggest you try this one too! Let me know if my recommendation helped you


All you need to keep track of is when you make a run to the supermarket to buy food.


I filled mine in.
1st Stay home.
2nd Stay home.
3rd Stay home.
4th Stay home.
5th Stay home. Etc.

@MissKathleen I save those treats for special days, or when I need to cheer myself up. Besides I am not a planner.

PS. Did laundry today, it being a Sunday, and I wanted to thumb my nose at superstition.

@MissKathleen Not till the lock down is over.


My "planner" is MS Calendar, and I've already got events scheduled 10 years from now. I hope we all live that long...

@MissKathleen We who read history MIGHT NOT be forced to repeat it. I"m staying inside except for short, surgical strikes for supplies with full mask and gloves.

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