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I'm an introvert, and normally happy to spend days isolated - but this has gotten to be a bit much! So, my science geek home experiments have gotten even more absurd than normal. Let me share!

I made a radioactive juggling ball, with a custom lit case. Did some artwork with UV cured gallium, and irradiated some MSG doused bacon just to freak out folks that are fun to freak out! 🙂 And . . . I've done another couple dozen projects at least as absurd at those in the last six weeks. Anytime anybody wants a chuckle I'm happy to share! (Most recently I tried to see how much electricity various fruit and veggies could conduct before burning! Nobel prize stuff! 🙂 )

Observer-Effect 7 Apr 28

Enjoy being online again!

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Bored nerds are

Oh yeah! 🙂 Though most of it is less dangerous than it seems, I follow proper safety. However it really freaks out friends and family, terrifies them. So that's fun! And my home office is very safe from snooping! (I'll be rude for a second: we Americans are DEAD LAST of the developed nations in science knowledge now - so mysterious forces frighten us)

I could hide some pot or a sex toy in there and know that its safe (or, "cough cough", so I've heard). This is on one of my workbenches awhile ago, I must have had something high powered going on to have that much shielding piled up.


Sometimes they blow up. Be careful

Fortunately no small time physics geeks like me have nearly the ingredients to make something that blows up!

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