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Love this writer. What do you think about Capitalism’s voracious appetite? Are we all just commodities meant to serve the system? Some neat quotes in the article. What are your favourites? []

ToolGuy 9 May 6

Enjoy being online again!

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  1. Man has Always plundered his environment!

  2. Were feudal lords given to think of their serfs as anything other than 2-legged draft animals, or arrow fodder?

To assume that somewhere, once upon a time, there were Elysian Fields for wage earners, unless you look at post-WWII America, when unions gave workers a voice, is to deny the evidence of the entire history of the earth.


At least in the US, this pandemic should make it clear that all of us peons are merely commodities that are easily replaceable and expendable to capitalism and the ruling class. However, most will probably not see the clear message and will instead fall for the partisan blaming game rather than blame their real enemies and rebel.

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