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China is testing all 11 million residents of Wuhan to stop a second coronavirus wave. Trump claims we're #1 in the world in testing!!!!! LOL!!!!! We haven't tested 5% of our country!!!!! WTF!!!!! Agree/Disagree?????

sassygirl3869 9 May 12

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Hey people there is going to be no testing unless some state or other organization does it. Trump does not want bid numbers and figure the best way to keep the number down it no testing. Dumb shit could have kept the numbers down far better by testing and finding out who had what and dealing with it, but he is way to smart for that.


Listening to trump is no different from listening to a rotting corpse.


Liar in Chief........


The key to that statement is “Trump claims.” Nothing he says ever is based on reality or verifiable facts.


I do not trust any news coming out of China just like I don't trust Trump.

Actually at this point in time, I think I would probably trust China before I would (or equally so) Dump. Just saying, its Justme!

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