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Brains, money and talent aside, who has more power a handsome man or a beautiful woman? (please answer according to your sexual orientation because I'm curious about bias) Feel free to state why you think your choice is correct.

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lerlo 8 May 21

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My first thought was, In what context? I asked my husband and our 13 year old son their thoughts. We all answered the beautiful woman.

My son said "Beautiful women because they could bribe the men."

Smart son


People who long for power , women or men or gay , I found them not attractive even for friendships .
People who work on their goals / lives / whatever quietly as possibly , those I value a lot , and I couldn’t care less if 3 eyeballs or one leg , ugly or pretty . So I am not qualified to answer that poll 🙁

Probably could have saved yourself some time by not answering it 😉

@lerlo good advice .

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