How many of you have to bite your tongue when out and about, standing in line at a store or wherever, and someone has on a mask, but it is not covering their nose? I really want to tell them they may as well take it off, but don't want to start a fight.
I see this so much on the TV news, when they interview someone obviously not yet used to their mask, and it keeps slipping down off their nose (not tight enough around the ears) and then they adjust it in a way that doesn't seem all that sanitary.
It will take some time for everyone to get the hang of wearing masks properly. Patience and biting your tongue while smiling seems to be the way to go for now, for in person interactions, and maybe making a silent "adjust mask" motion if you catch their eye.
I'm not shy.
"Please step away from me," I firmly tell people who crowd me without a mask.
"You need to cover your nose." So far, each person sheepishly pulled up their mask.
No one has told me to F-off yet.