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I know this church, I know this neighborhood, my life partner's family had a business here in the last wave of riots decades ago, it is heartbreaking, seeing history repeat itself. (There is no sticker, gif or emoji to express the feelings... ). I am sitting here, crying.

I am one Atheist who applauds the statement of Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde who is brave in her convictions and her statement []...

LetzGetReal 8 June 1

Enjoy being online again!

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Are there laws for all people? If so they are not the same laws.


His support overlooked the rapes. But now he is messing with their symbol, the bible. I liked the bishop. I hope she is heeded. I found it particularly interesting that the tyrant has only been inside said church once.

MrDMC Level 7 June 2, 2020

I certainly don't want the churched vandalized or burned.....I want them turned into secular community centers.


The link wouldn't open but I agree the bishop definitely said what was going on. On a different note George Floyds brother had a good point, VOTE!


I have marched the streets and NATIONAL MALL many times last in April 2017 with enough Greens to surround the White House.....I sang a Holly Near song WE ARE SINGING SINGING FOR OUR LIVES.....TrumpOLINI must be defeated but not by votes for another corrupt racist rapist BidenS


I do NOT recall when racist incompetent Ronald Wilson ReaGUN declared all of 1983 THE YEAR OF THE bible preachers complaining nor filing a lawsuit like Unitarians and Atheists filed in San Diego.....religion and USA printed bibles at taxpayers expense HAVE BEEN WEAPONIZED since 1787 in the NORTHWEST ORDINANCE against Native Americans and Blacks enslaved by a blue eyed Southern METHODISTs jesua Nasoret.... TrumpOLINI deserves out 100% scorn but not upon neoliberal religious grounds


I did find article when googled it. Good for her. Calling him out for the hypocrite he is.


Couldnt open. interested in seeing what you are sharing.


Your link doesn't seem to be working, though CNN just hit me with a notification for the article. Now there's a religious leader that has earned my respect!

dkp93 Level 8 June 1, 2020

Does this link work?

Bishop of DC church outraged by Trump visit: 'I just can't believe what my eyes have seen'


@dkp93 worked for me. Thank you.

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