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There is no such thing as a guardian that kills his charge. With that said Law Enforcement is not a guardian of the people but is something else entirely.

My daughter was pulled over at a road block
The officers where not wearing masks and were sticking the head into every car that they stopped and handling drivers licenses and insurance cards etc.
My daughter refused to roll down her window and just put her license and insurance card up against the window for the officer to see. The officer got mad and demanded she roll down her window. She cracked it and slide the cards out of the window crack – he looked and then gave it back.

Law enforcement is not protecting anybody from Covid – they don’t give a shit if they pass an infection to you and they don’t care how many people their road blocks kill as long as they can make their money and fill their quota

A lot of everyday people are hurting for money during this pandemic so what does law enforcement do? - they go after your last dime because they are way more valuable than you and must survive above all else.

jrhere 5 June 7

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Completely out of touch with "protect & serve", and have been for along time!


If officers will knock elderly people to the ground, shove innocent people hard enough to require hospitalization, and shoot unarmed and often innocent people kneeling on the ground with their hands up... then spreading a virus is nothing to them.

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