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Social Distancing with a little style.

MissKathleen 9 June 9

Enjoy being online again!

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It's the pelvic thrusts that drive you insane. Let’s do the time warp, again.😜


Is that the HOKEY POKEY or the BUNNY HOP? Looks like a fun place

I believe it's the Time Warp from the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

@Lauren Thanks...

@MissKathleen This show has instilled in me a fear of dentists.

@MissKathleen 😜The good old days😁


This is amazing - I love it! I'd love to see how many people actually start dancing.

I worked my career for the USPS. They used to play "elevator music". One boss decided to switch to Rock and Roll music as a way to speed up the work. The workers started dancing in the the switched back to the elevator music. It was fun while it lasted.

@nicknotes What a great experiment, tho!

@Lauren Yes it was ....great fun while it lasted.

@MissKathleen I'd love to see you dancing and SHAKING YOUR BOOTY.

@MissKathleen Yes indeed....Miss Kathleen......



Zster Level 8 June 9, 2020
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