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LINK Senate Armed Services Committee defies Trump on ditching Confederate names on military bases: CNN -

The Republican-led Senate Armed Services Committee has reportedly defied President Donald Trump and has adopted a resolution to push for the renaming of American military bases that were named after Confederate generals. According to CNN’s Jim Sciutto, the Republican-led Senate committee adopted the resolution in a closed-door session on Wednesday night.

The resolution puts the Senate Armed Services Committee on a collision course with President Donald Trump, who earlier this week defended naming bases after Confederate generals on the grounds that those generals were part of America’s tradition of “winning and freedom.”

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany told Roll Call this week that “the president will not be signing legislation that renames America’s forts.” “Fort Bragg, for example, it’s one of the largest military installations,” McEnany added. “It’s home to tens of thousands of brave American soldiers, and when you think of Fort Bragg, we think of the brave soldiers that deployed from there.”

HippieChick58 9 June 11

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As expected, it is not going anywhere.
It is very important for Democrats to win the Senate and keep the House more than win the presidency.

The new interactive 2020 election map is now available at CNN here []


I'm happy that people are standing up against Trump. But I don't think it is important to spend a lot of money to change the names of the forts. I didn't know these forts were named after Confederate generals and I suppose most Americans didn't know either.

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