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What are your favorite cartoons about Trump aka Marmalade Mussolini?

These are my favorites. Please post you favorite cartoon of the Orange Cheeto.

LiterateHiker 9 June 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Our Cartoon President


Love it! Thanks.

I'd not seen this, but I love it!

@Lauren It was very useful when I was studying American politics and civil rights. I found I could quickly identify who was who by their cartoon presence.

@Sofabeast Apologies, I missed your message earlier, but it's a good reminder to check out the show again. 😊


Here's my favorite

Unity Level 8 June 13, 2020


Love it! Thanks for the laugh.


Number one, if only because of the expression on Putins face.


All good ones


Nice collection

bobwjr Level 10 June 12, 2020

They're all funny (and that last one made me feel good), but that first one is just priceless!

Lauren Level 8 June 12, 2020

Robert Crumb had a good one on his Facebook page today--'Robert Crumb Great Arteest'

There's nothing new on Robert Crumb's page today. Are you sure it isn't on one of his fan pages?


I would pick lunatic as he is sucking the blood out of Americia and they do not even releize like real ticks do

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