Is it easy for you to just sit quietly?
I've often thought I was pretty good at slowing down, but this week has been beautifully peaceful, and I'm realizing the difference. My real life is rather noisy in comparison to a week near an ocean. The first day I sat for three hours, waiting for the sunset, watching surfers, on a mostly empty beach. I can't remember the last time my mind was so quiet. That has set the amazing tone for my week, I hope it comes home with me.
Distraction. Whether it's social interaction, chatting online, movies, video games, dating, sex, etc... I have to do things to entertain the front of my mind to forget thoughts. I don't smoke, and I only drink when in company.
I noticed that repetitive tasks, chores, work, studying, and showering do not alleviate thoughts.
Solitude helps. I like to work things out in my mind instead of having others interject in my thoughts.