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Have you ever pirated movies, music, software or books through downloading or illegal streaming sites?

4EvanSake 6 Apr 5

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Lololol..oh damn that didn't occur to me..

@4EvanSake just what a fibbie would say.


I have always done that and still do when I want too.

Why do you feel the need to do that?

Atta boy!

@jperlow I do not feel the need to do that, it is just something that I can do.


No officer !!


Um no lol that's illegal haha


Sure, back in the days of Napster. I think these days it's rather unnecessary, though, most music/movies can be found and listened to on a variety of low or no cost platforms legally, creating and "owning" your own library doesn't seem to be as meaningful as it used to be.


I remember Napster. I used to live there... until the RIAA screwed it over and ruined it for everybody.


I have inadvertently bought things that were burnt copies, but they were out of print so no where to get them. Otherwise no.


Of course not !!!.. what are we, savages??? (Sarcasm, ok?)


Of course, who hasn't?


Where I live, it is often the only option if one wishes to watch particular TV series or films, in English. However, when there is an option I pay a subscription; for example to Filmon for access to live UK TV programmes and news programmes like CNN, CNBC, etc.
I never pirate computer software, and have a stack of fully legal copies of stuff like PageMaker, CorelDraw! Picture Publisher, Cute PDF, O&O disk recovery, Assorted Nero video software, ....
I have a load of equipment for ripping VHS videos, Casette tapes and records, but the ones I rip are my own anyway. It's just easier to watch or listen to them on the computer. (or in the car.)
Like many, but not all, things extenuating circumstances need to be taken into account.
"But officer, I had to drive. I was in no fit state to walk."


Arrrgh, matey!

Well.technically my ex did. Bit Torrent usually. But usually super old stuff.


Loads, all you have to do is prove it.


No. And I must be the only person on the planet to still buy cds.


Not that you know of.


I have no qualms about doing it if I wasn't going to buy it anyway, so the copyright owners aren't out any income.

@qwertykeyboard - Silly analogy and you know it. Ones and zeroes does not a car make.


I used to all the time, but I switched to comcast but they emailed me and warned me to stop. So I did. You can legally d/l stuff from Youtube.

gater Level 7 Apr 5, 2018


JK666 Level 7 Apr 5, 2018

Some music a few years back. Mostly filling missing albums from my own collections. Some movies and TV shows but all old so I can watch without commercials. I use Amazon for buying lots of items so I have Prime which has some good things to watch and music to listen without commercials. I hate commercials.


That reminds me I need to call my DVD man.


Never didn't get on a private laptop till 6 years ago. Business one not allowed.


Every day


TV shows mostly, and a little bit of everything else

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